Aurora in Minnesota

Looking up toward Arcturus

I have ADHD. The extent to which my intent and my results do not match is death by 1000 paper cuts

I work in IT. Every “problem” I “solve” creates concerns about deeper issues I cannot address in my role. After a long carreer of this, the more I feel like my “answers” are glib, or shallow, and are only work-arounds at best. Everywhere I look, I see the proverbial bailing wire and twine.

Wiping some iPhones at work. I suppose I should not be too surprised the restore images are 5 gigs or more

Record Club is taking sign-ups from their wait list

My excuse is that I was really hungry, but I can honestly say that the experience of eating a taco in my car was worse than I feared.

MSP Home Tour coverage on CBS, yesterday.

We have a green kitchen.

I overheard this snippet at my house, this morning: “…Producers bid on the segments…”

There was a camera in my house today in support of the MSP Home Tour. We’re house #4. If we make it on air, I’ll share a link to the final piece.

How does your team onboard new members? Who shows them what applications are used and how? Who shows them where the data is and verifies they have access? Who helps them to meet team members of other teams? Who makes sure the new managers have all of the information they need?

Asking for a friend