


Just started Outlander.


Re-Ripping my CDs

I am a collecting monster. Ripping to WAV on my Plex box and ripping to lossless for my Apple Music server. Oh! The meta data. Oh! The duplicated tracks. The WAV rips are super fast. The Lossless rips in Apple Music take several times longer, plus I’m caring for a library of digital files that began life in 1997.

Two things I’ve learned:

  1. Trust but verify the metadata you get from public sources.
  2. Album art is getting harder to find. I found a possible remedy via a membership at
  3. When replacing an album in Apple Music or Plex, sometimes it’s just simpler to delete the old tracks. Software libraries don’t always replace like with like correctly.


Our house is ours now after some work on publicity in support of our design/build firm White Crane. Waiting for a few events to take place kept some work on hold in favor of showing the house rather than showing our personal items.

The decor overall has stuck, but the details continue to evolve.


My current leader sees me and appreciates me.

I wish conference room technology was less vendor-specific (or perhaps more cloud agnostic) and that folks would stop blaming the room when it doesn’t intiutively and automatically configure itself the way a person imagines it should work for them.

Also? Learn how to schedule a room, people. Just because you invite a room or resource to your meeting, doesn’t mean you automatically get that room. A meeting room didn’t do anything wrong when it declined your infinitely recurring series because of a single conflict three weeks out. It returned you an email three minutes later to let you know. It’s unread in your mailbox.

Updated December 27, 2024