
2024-07-26 It is officially 56 years since I took my very first breath

2024-07-26 A Turntable Tale of Woe

2024-07-24 Watching Big Brother, tonight. I have never seen such a meltdown and so many tears so early in the …

2024-07-22 That feeling when you read an article on any topic that can be summarized with the statement “Still, …

2024-07-21 DNC better come in hot with real alternatives

2024-07-20 Recoil’s Want - The Architect Mixes were released in 2010, but are still available for …

2024-07-20 EBN - Electronic Behavior Control System — For those who appreciate a little commentary with their …

2024-07-17 Currently reading: The Black Bird Oracle by Deborah Harkness 📚 The All Souls series is the first I …

2024-07-16 A lot of my physical music collection features notches and drilled holes. I don’t care. Get it …

2024-07-16 Tonight’s niche pick is Round the Outside! Round the Outside! by Malcolm Mclaren and The World …

2024-07-15 Alas, my Series 4 Apple Watch and my 2019 MacBook Air are not going to get the next OS releases this …

2024-07-13 Spent the night with an awesome group of people hosted in Minneapolis to hear Chuck LeMonds.

2024-07-11 Me and my Little Buddy

2024-07-10 When your mom is a Queen super fan and she takes you to One Vision of Queen at the Northern …

2024-07-08 I’m federated everywhere I can, except on Meta products. I want them to be endpoints and Meta wants …

2024-07-07 Blasted my ears tonight doing yard work and listening to Echodrone. I have favorited Tranquility and …

2024-07-06 We all want to be seen and accepted just as we are. Many of us have been taught again and again to …

2024-07-06 I am amazed. I haven’t had a hibiscus bloom like this before 📷🌺

2024-07-05 One fun thing in the midst of my CD Re-rip project has been digging into the contents of the …

2024-06-29 23andMe is running a decent promotion for July 4th in the USA: $79, down from $119

2024-06-26 Just backed the latest OrbitKey

2024-06-23 Just did Ancestry DNA. The surprised at the regional focus. My genetic background is less diffuse …

2024-06-22 I have had the diagnosis of ADD (ADHD now) for almost 30 years. I no longer take meds nor do I …

2024-06-22 Oof. I just spent hours answering questions for a survey about ADHD. Go …

2024-06-21 Three Technical Support Truths: All hardware sucks All operating systems suck All applications suck …

2024-06-21 To be fair (sung in three-part harmony), all operating systems suck. This is one of my three simple …

2024-06-21 Windows still prefers to be stationary. It doesn’t know when this external display needs different …

2024-06-16 I’m deeply annoyed by the metadata now supplied from Apple when you go to convert a CD. Either …

2024-06-11 TIL: kegling is a sport. But it isn’t about your pelvic floor.

2024-06-11 Please stop saying anyone tweeted anything. Twitter is dead. It’s dead, Jim. People post. On social …

2024-06-10 I think Elon is only upset that it’s ChatGPT and not xAI.

2024-06-06 So, I’m Gen X, and therefore potentially grumpy and old. But Teams (or name your favorite tool, my …

2024-06-06 Discovered Sungazer (and Sungazer Plus) via TikTok last night. Played a video which represents about …

2024-06-04 One song shy of a complete rip, a CD shattered in the drive. Have never experienced such a thing. I …

2024-05-31 When the sun rises and the caffeine hits

2024-05-30 It looks like I started using 1Password after I stopped using ICQ and AIM and all of the others. Out …

2024-05-27 The enhanced 75th anniversary version of The Hobbit is on sale, today, on the Kindle store for …

2024-05-25 Starting the day with the surprise delivery of Flat Whites

2024-05-25 “…a towel has immense psychological value”

2024-05-23 Amazing how things change. I saw an article about Atari finally winning the original n war with …

2024-05-21 Changed a display panel for my “home theater” system for a bigger one. Suddenly the HDMI …

2024-05-20 I am amused when things are described as MacBook killers, or iPhone killers. If they aren’t running …

2024-05-18 At the Expo with the Oddities

2024-05-16 ugh. 7 gig download to restore an iPad with a Home button.

2024-05-11 Aurora in Minnesota

2024-05-11 Looking up toward Arcturus

2024-05-07 I have ADHD. The extent to which my intent and my results do not match is death by 1000 paper cuts

2024-05-07 I work in IT. Every “problem” I “solve” creates concerns about deeper issues I cannot address in my …

2024-05-06 Wiping some iPhones at work. I suppose I should not be too surprised the restore images are 5 gigs …

2024-04-30 Record Club is taking sign-ups from their wait list

2024-04-27 My excuse is that I was really hungry, but I can honestly say that the experience of eating a taco …

2024-04-26 MSP Home Tour coverage on CBS, yesterday. We have a green kitchen.

2024-04-26 I overheard this snippet at my house, this morning: “…Producers bid on the …

2024-04-23 How does your team onboard new members? Who shows them what applications are used and how? Who shows …

2024-04-22 And sometimes I pick the wrong distro. Back to familiar turf, for now

2024-04-22 Trying a Linux distribution I’ve not tried before, and an email client I haven’t used …

2024-04-22 TIL that one’s custom email address isn’t exactly how one retrieves iCloud email. That …

2024-04-20 This love of the written word extends to my media consumption. I rarely choose video. The amount of …

2024-04-20 To be honest, I feel that written communication allows me to show my best self in a way that eludes …

2024-04-20 I do prefer the written word. There is something about seeing my thoughts that lends itself to me …

2024-04-20 Emotions prevent me from reaching out. Guilt about how long I have not communicated also keeps me …

2024-04-20 I have a lot of anxiety around initiating communication. I hate making phone calls for this reason, …

2024-04-20 Started a Hello page, but I want to use too many words and over explain. I’m working on a draft, but …

2024-04-17 Bone conduction headphones and multipoint pairing make a wonderful tool to use at work

2024-04-17 If you put the work into rating tracks in your music library, the result can be of a playlist based …

2024-04-17 That feeling when you have been using Mac OS for a long time and you discover something about the UI …

2024-04-15 As a resident of geography that might be referred to by some as “fly-over-country,” I’m often …

2024-04-15 If we don’t repeat the stories, no one else can know them

2024-04-14 Chicken Curry with Onion from Ming’s Garden works every time

2024-04-14 Hanging out with my Mom and my kid at the fire. I don’t think I remember the last time I “roasted” …

2024-04-13 4 hours and 47 minutes into an annual IT exercise. In my role, I’m basically a fly on the …

2024-04-13 Generally, I’m a coffee-first kind of person. This morning, it took a while before I was ready …

2024-04-10 Dusting off the old chili recipe, today. Slow-cooking, now.

2024-04-08 I had been a long-time MusicMatch user, before I had bought my first iPod. Before I had purchased my …

2024-04-04 Target Corporation, I don’t care how much money you paid for the rights. You. Do. Not. Use. Prince. …

2024-04-01 I feel like I’m getting trolled by Apple’s meta data as I re-rip my CDs. I wish …

2024-03-31 Surprise and delight. I had read a while ago that one could import audiograms into settings for …

2024-03-31 The amazing thing about humanity, and the living artifact of the internets, is that you don’t …

2024-03-31 But first, Coffee!

2024-03-23 I do pay for identity services, in the sense that I own a vanity domain. I can also link presence …

2024-03-23 I can be Meta Verified on both Instagram and Facebook for the low, low price of $24.99 per month. I …

2024-03-22 This article explains so much about the Apple Watch that wasn’t making sense to me, before: Making …

2024-03-18 Sometimes, the GIF I want does not exist because I remebered a pop-culture moment incorrectly

2024-03-17 This is my frustration with the app and streaming ecosystem. I, personally, am not signing out. App …

2024-03-17 I just wanted to start watching a concert video for my wife. I was privileged to change my password …

2024-03-15 I’m not shocked at Uber’s actions in Minnesota, given their apparent disrespect for drivers. I am …

2024-03-12 Orion and Jupiter over St. Paul

2024-03-10 I made the mistake of bringing the Oreo container to the dinner table. They are easy to eat, even …

2024-03-10 I’ve often wondered if it was a generational thing or a me thing. I prefer text on the …

2024-03-09 God forbid the dogs should sleep more than 15 minutes past sunrise. I am awake, I have brewed …

2024-03-06 The clouds said, “No stars for you, tonight. Enjoy your city’s light reflected back to you.”

2024-03-05 Dear Thunderbolt, Thank you for giving me my iTunes Library back. Warm regards, Hjalmer

2024-03-05 The meta conversation in my head critiquing a presentation as it unfolds. One is not prisoner of …

2024-03-05 It’s my problem because I’m the one who’s annoyed, but I really am bothered when standing meetings …

2024-03-03 Waiting for the Journal app on iPadOS or MacOS. I have too many feelings about on-screen keyboarding …

2024-02-28 I just read that Apple is going to produce a series based on Neuromancer. Now I need to re-read it!

2024-02-28 Spiced Coke is too sweet. I am disappointed. Not nearly enough spice to meet my expectations, …

2024-02-25 Paused the reading of a trilogy to read a different trilogy. Having finished the second, I’m …

2024-02-23 The back door of my house faces south, and while my property is surrounded by trees, there aren’t …

2024-02-22 Engadget has been dead to me for a long time. I see the changes being made there as the beginning of …

2024-02-21 The Moon, tonight in St. Paul, Minnesota

2024-02-21 Tomorrow, the alarm clock rings and I return to my weekday routine.

2024-02-21 Surreal experience watching a team stage parts of my home for photography, then put it all back the …

2024-02-21 We signed on the line. We are going to be part of the 2024 MSP Home Tour.

2024-02-20 We are, at last, unboxed. Work isn’t done, but we accomplished what we set out to do.

2024-02-19 Eating Doritos and making coffee, as one does.

2024-02-19 Took a few days off this week. It is lovely to start the week sleeping in. Much to do, but in my …

2024-02-18 Welp. Two hours, a deductible, sales tax on the retail price, a screen protector, a case and a cable …

2024-02-17 Just killed my phone pretty good. I fell down the stairs and it was in my hand that broke my fall. …

2024-02-17 Wore my kilt again this weekend, outside and everything, too. I’m already thinking about the …

2024-02-16 Managing a collection of music isn’t that hard, once you’ve got storage. Managing its digital …

2024-02-15 My contribution to a Valentine’s group chat at work. There was a plushie passed around and we were …

2024-02-14 A collection of whatever-it-is-you-collect is necessarily backward looking. However, as that space …

2024-02-14 It’s kinda Zuckerberg’s job to say his is better. So… not really surprised that’s in the press.

2024-02-11 One of my favorite forms of research when reading fiction is to look at character names, in …

2024-02-11 The main disadvantage to reading a book while connected to the internet is that is that you run into …

2024-02-10 Is there any greater privilege than sitting down with a good book and an iPad for quick reference to …

2024-02-10 Is there a way to rip 5.1 audio from a DVD to import into iTunes libraries? I found a tool that will …

2024-02-06 Candidate description for what I do: I solve word problems Yes, I work in technology. No, I will not …

2024-02-04 And yet, the tiny targets for performing critical app functions prevent me from using app features I …

2024-02-04 I’d never do this, but if I had a stream of all of the accodental screenshots I have taken on iOS, I …

2024-01-31 “Silent H” was a category on Jeopardy, today. I feel seen.

2024-01-31 Had lunch with an old friend today. He is shipping overseas soon and for a long while. I was not …

2024-01-29 I found a book with witches and vampires and alchemy, set in Oxford. So, naturally, I’m up too late

2024-01-28 I moved out of my house for a several months in a span from November to May. Here’s why: …

2024-01-19 Currently reading: The Two Towers: Being the Second Part of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien …

2024-01-18 I never don’t love a favorite song, but my relationship to it changes. Sometimes a song lights …

2024-01-18 It’s an interesting thing, going through my CDs, disc by disc. Encountering the infatuations I …

2024-01-17 More and more I am deeply impressed with the iPad and its effectiveness even as a primary work …

2024-01-14 I was very happy with the way that Numbers handled the playlist export from Music. It inferred a …

2024-01-13 Gentle Ambient

2024-01-13 鬼門 (Demon Gate)

2024-01-13 Pretty Full of Good Intentions… Kind of…

2024-01-13 Not Quite Adult Oriented

2024-01-13 Spec's Music In-Store Play, Before During After

2024-01-13 Secret History of Rock 'n' Roll

2024-01-13 Zero degrees Fahrenheit. The air sounds different.

2024-01-13 Return of Snapperhead

2024-01-13 Radio Programming

2024-01-13 Portrait of a Young Man

2024-01-13 Piano & Reverb

2024-01-13 Mercedes-Benz Fetish

2024-01-13 Mental Noise: Part of a Continuing Process

2024-01-13 L337.C0MP1L.2002.001

2024-01-13 Jazz Club Mood

2024-01-13 Generic Mix '95

2024-01-13 från norr

2024-01-13 Covered

2024-01-13 Black + Red

2024-01-13 Amphetamine

2024-01-13 Crystal Method

2024-01-11 I love the Flow functionality of the Logi+ app. It’s pretty awesome when it works. Mostly …

2024-01-11 Complicated

2024-01-11 The Great Re-Rip Project of 2024

2024-01-10 My biggest risk, with respect to long-term retention of any digitized or otherwise computer-based …

2024-01-03 I had a small amount of angst about ripping CDs to WAV and not doing any conversion to a more …

2024-01-03 Working to unsubscribe from good intentions and momentary interest. Working to a more sane and …

2024-01-03 Apple still sells the USB SuperDrive. I’m using one with a USB-A to USB-C adapter on a Re-Rip …

2024-01-03 I use Apple Wallet functionality almost every week day, both via phone and watch. I did not know …

2024-01-01 I was pleasantly surprised by accidentally discovering Universal Control just working on an old iPad …

2024-01-01 Currently reading: The Fellowship of the Ring: Being the First Part of The Lord of the Rings by …

2024-01-01 To all who celebrate, I wish you a Happy New Year!

2023-12-25 Have just finished being a right jolly old elf. Just about to settle in for a long winter’s nap.

2023-12-23 I was at a company function a few days ago. A pair at the gathering approached excitedly to tell me …

2023-12-22 It would be cool if MacOS had a calculator widget. It wouldd be cool if iPad OS came withh a …

2023-12-20 I clean up alright.

2023-12-11 In yet another nod to me not being in the correct demographic, I lament today that the Apple Journal …

2023-12-09 Video just does not syndicate well. Too soon. I know.

2023-12-09 What you do when you have taken care of business but you don’t need to be at the airport for a few …

2023-12-08 Jeopardy Tournament of Champions is making me feel less smart than I felt a few short hours ago. I …

2023-12-07 EStem Choir Concert

2023-12-07 There are countless reasons why fellow passengers may be allowed to board before you. All of which …

2023-12-07 Somewhere at YYZ

2023-12-04 Mississauga, second night

2023-12-03 Elsewhere in Mississauga

2023-12-03 Somewhere in Mississauga

2023-12-01 Mourning the death of a social media system whilst extricating myself from it. Letting go of …

2023-11-29 I am a huge fan of Apple’s Find My technology. Very expensive losses can be very happily found

2023-11-28 Wonderful phrase from a Teams meeting “I’m laughing on mute.” I think that is just amazing on …

2023-11-26 I have been giving increasing thought to dropping a phone and phone number altogether. Alas, there …

2023-11-26 My sense is that Apple is planning to go through Vision Pro evolution before the phone disappears. …

2023-11-26 I wish that an iPad had the same phone capability as the iPhone itself. I wish now, just as I did …

2023-11-24 I did the math and storing all of my collection uncompressed is very doable. Now I’m thinking about …

2023-11-24 Today I learned my receiver can stream music directly from Plex. Hmmm.

2023-11-24 The game I bought last week is 40% off today. But the sleep I have already lost? Priceless.

2023-11-21 Instagram just today blocked a video I posted several years ago that shows my daughter watching The …

2023-11-20 Remembering that I left my keys at home harshed the mellow I was feeling after listening to Yacht …

2023-11-20 I dutifully changed the battery in the Apple Air Tag on my keychain. Confirmed it was working. And …

2023-11-18 The longer I’m on, the more I appreciate the philosophy and the execution and the …

2023-11-18 Photography is hard. The camera doesn’t see how I see and certainly doesn’t show what …

2023-11-13 Today I learned from experienced gamers. If you want it on release day, pre-order physical media …

2023-11-11 “I’m a sworn enemy of convention. I despise the conventional in anything, even the arts.” …

2023-11-11 It's Probably Not Premium, Probably Not Really Hand-Crafted

2023-11-09 I don’t know what my deal is, but, in the aftermath of “Trick or Treat,” I’m really enjoying the …

2023-11-08 Alex: Wherever you are, I owe you an apology. I’m 55 with a customized OLED Nintendo Switch. …

2023-11-06 Feeling sorry for myself, today. I can’t manage sugar and carbs. I need to make dramatic changes …

2023-10-31 A very Happy Halloween to all those who celebrate with Tricks and Treats.

2023-10-28 Me and Mom at Queen’s Rhapsody Tour

2023-10-28 Status

2023-10-27 I just can’t even. I don’t know a way forward right now. Half an hour just to get to recovery mode, …

2023-10-27 That was quick. Erased volume. Trying internet recovery again.

2023-10-27 If I don’t get anywhere tonight I’m going to recycle it at Apple. No one needs this kind of trouble. …

2023-10-27 Try, try again. Erased volume and recovering from on-machine recovery partition. I hope.

2023-10-27 Welp. That didn’t work, either. “An error occurred installing the update.” Okay

2023-10-27 I have an Intel MacBook Air with TouchID. I have never had a Mac that was so resistant to updates. …

2023-10-27 Ugh. When the progress bar goes back up in time.

2023-10-24 Lots of little things make me irritated. It passes. Until the next thing that does. On the inside it …

2023-10-24 Well, that was fast. Hardly got a profile set up on Pebble and they’ve announced a November 1 …

2023-10-13 Today learned a small amount about British trains. I had purchased a small set, movie specific, but …

2023-10-10 I note, tonight, on my street in Saint Paul, that all of the street lamps are shining white light. …

2023-10-01 Yes, it was me in the kilt

2023-10-01 My first visit to the Renaissance Festival in many years lead to my first kilt.

2023-09-25 I went to print a Word document from preview mode in “New Outlook.” New Outlook “generated” a PDF …

2023-09-23 Remember listening to whole albums? Sometimes one from the past demands my attention. Lately it’s …

2023-09-11 I don’t remember hurting myself, but it’s clear to me now—at some point, the coffee was too hot.

2023-09-09 I was reminded today of why I stopped using drive-through fast-food procurement. So much easier to …

2023-09-07 “…the street finds its own uses for things” —William Gibson, from Burning Chrome I have always loved …

2023-09-06 I would like to thank Coffee Cart MPLS for the delicious Lavender Latté, this morning.

2023-09-06 I hate when I can’t find the right GIF to throw into the group chat during the Teams call.

2023-09-05 Discovered She’s in Parties, today. The band took its name from the song you’re thinking of. Via …

2023-09-03 Just spent five minutes looking for my phone. Which was in “the wrong” pocket.

2023-09-02 My wife played Cruella. It was more compelling than I hoped. But the hook, for me, was the …

2023-08-29 Three kinds of feels recently: Getting an education on a tool you previously felt pretty good at. …

2023-08-27 I do wish iPad OS had a dictionary and thesaurus app like Mac OS has. I am probably going to …

2023-08-23 This week I learned how catastrophic it can be for dogs that overheat, and how quickly it can lead …

2023-08-21 I know it’s not as exciting, but we could call them posts. It’s a term that already exists in common …

2023-08-19 From experience, I’ll say that your iPhone doesn’t work in your dream, even after you restart it.

2023-08-14 On my work MacBook this morning I got a system message that SharePoint is being added as a login …

2023-08-11 If my mac has an indicator on the setting icon that there is an update, and I click on the item in …

2023-08-10 I’ve decided it’s not loyalty points that companies offer, it’s urgency. When you have “points” that …

2023-08-10 Challenges to installing the most recent Apple public OS beta release 3. Watch took a reset before …

2023-08-09 Coming face-to-face with the idea that I am the same age as old people. AC/DC in the foreground, …

2023-07-28 Groove for your Friday: “The Way You Dream” by 1 Giant Leap

2023-07-27 I’m one of those people who opted to follow all the accounts on Threads that I follow on Instagram. …

2023-07-27 Groove for your Thursday: “I Am You” from Nightmares on Wax

2023-07-26 I just learned that Sinéad has died. It took me a long time to understand all of the things she was …

2023-07-25 Screenwriter’s Blues lyrics hit a little different this year, though maybe not if you’re …

2023-07-25 When your family gives you feedback, and they’re not wrong, it’s time to do better.

2023-07-24 Internet says I am not the first person to wonder if Elon’s going to be found infringing on …

2023-07-19 For the last few weeks I have been listening to music used in the Hulu series Letterkenny. I noticed …

2023-07-19 Just discovered a musician named Anthony Vincent tonight, because TikTok. Video was of Enter Sandman …

2023-07-18 I didn’t really want Watch OS to be changed. Been rocking a Series 4 since it was new. But …

2023-07-18 I opted to follow all the same accounts on Threads as Instagram. Unintended consequence: Lots of …

2023-07-18 The quiet purgatory of the exam room. Just visiting. Quartely check-up.

2023-07-17 I use a 4K panel and a 2K panel at work and I’m amazed by the amount of screen real estate …

2023-07-17 I am working hard to increase my step count. This makes me grateful for the Tylenol in the desk …

2023-07-09 Today, just a few weeks shy of my 55th year on this planet, I learned you can aggressively deploy …

2023-07-09 Not sure how I feel about the Evernote purchase and layoff of most staff. I looked at the website of …

2023-07-06 Cynical prediction: Twitter becomes profitable only as a patent troll, then ultimately their IP will …

2023-07-05 At least they are consistent. No iPad specific Threads client at this time.

2023-07-03 To be sure, logic matters. It can make a pretty big difference in your Smart Playlist choosing the …

2023-07-01 My day started with disappointment in myself. I got a lot of sleep, but in doing so, I slept through …

2023-06-29 Siri understands “Lumos” and “Nox.”

2023-06-29 We are still dependent on others to maintain safe spaces and store our digital things. It will be a …

2023-06-29 My concern about the decentralized communities is the technical burden. Knowledge sufficient to …

2023-06-29 I’m intrigued by Lemmy and Mastodon and decentralized projects. Every bit as much as ARPANET …

2023-06-29 Modern tools are suddenly very hardcore about PIN codes, passwords and biometrics. Humans are not. …

2023-06-28 Saints at bat versus the Stripers 📷 Storybook ending to the game: Saints were down by one at the …

2023-06-27 For a few minutes, I was thinking today was Thursday. I was thinking about winding my week down and …

2023-06-21 I’m drinking coffee too late in the day. Still? Mmm. Delicious

2023-06-19 Unboxing takes time, but all the things are back home. It feels good. I am grateful to be back.

2023-06-18 Best Father’s Day gift ever: I found my wallet. Intact. Or, maybe the giant remodel we just finished …

2023-06-17 On the other hand, Bluesky isn’t picking up every post, today. I’m wondering if …

2023-06-17 One feature I’m excited for in iOS 17 is the Journal. I realize, technically, I can use the …

2023-06-17 Syndication from to Bluesky works better than to Twitter or Mastodon in that formatting …

2023-06-17 DNS changes work way better when typos are removed.

2023-06-17 Was thinking about distributed discussion groups, given the state of Reddit. Then I remembered …

2023-06-17 Novice that I am, made some DNS changes. Finally sunk in that I only need DNS from registrar, not …

2023-06-14 It feels like I’m not able or allowed to be my best self at all times, like I have to claw back …

2023-06-14 For you introspective writers: Do you ever come across something you’ve written that is deeply …

2023-06-10 I didn’t know I needed this, but someone put together an Apple Music playlist of music from …

2023-06-03 Apple Watch features I really thought we’d have before watchOS 10 I’m a series 4-wearer and an …

2023-06-02 Have been listening toAll Yours by Submotion Orchestra a bunch this week. Rediscovered it lurking in …

2023-05-31 Still true: Deftones scream so I don’t have to

2023-05-29 I guess it has begun in St. Paul with the Summer fireworks shenanigans. I hope it’s fireworks.

2023-05-29 Memorial Day

2023-05-25 In other news, today I learned my Nintendo Switch has the ability to be a host. Not only with a WiFi …

2023-05-25 Have spent some time on Animal Crossing, now I’m starting to look around at what others have done.

2023-05-24 There is a Lime & Jalapeño flavor of Ruffles that is offensely delicious and I am completely …

2023-05-23 A cup of strong coffee and a breakfast sandwich are consistently a source of joy for me.

2023-05-19 Got this from a long-time colleague at work this morning. I’m the best. I’m modest. And I don’t …

2023-05-17 Via Autoblog: I can instantly make you a better driver

2023-05-15 Am excited about news of WatchOS 10, but worried. I have a series 4 watch and my concern is either …

2023-05-14 Listened to two Deserta albums. Bought two Deserta albums. More, please!

2023-05-14 Listening to Deserta’s 2020 album called Black Aura My Sun. It’s somewhere between M83 …

2023-05-12 Always a treat to know a favorite album hasn’t been forgotten: The ongoing legacies of The …

2023-05-09 The small company conference I’m at has severely underestimated the amount of dairy we require with …

2023-05-09 Less intimidated by AI with the understanding that we humans can’t really define what intelligence …

2023-05-09 When I decide what I should have said about 5 minutes after I introduced myself at the company …

2023-05-01 If there is anything on this earth that takes me out of my 54-year-old body, it’s music. Listened to …

2023-05-01 Yeah. So, I’m going to need you to apply your application updates before I open the document I need …

2023-05-01 This was taped to the outside of my cube one morning. I’m proud of my beard’s accomplishments

2023-04-30 I have come to realize too late that any new app or software is an invitation to more notifications …

2023-04-29 I don’t know why I have to put off every expense report. There are never many and it’s never that …

2023-04-29 Just picked up BOO - EP by Dead Leaf Echo. They are on Bandcamp

2023-04-28 I’m intrigued by the idea that an Apple Watch might be able to be paired to devices that are …

2023-04-24 The mysterious Great Attractor that’s pulling us in Contemplating the infinite is awesome. The few …

2023-04-24 Privileged to witness Northern Lights again tonight. Connected with good friends in the field, too!

2023-04-23 I put my name in the hat for the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica settlement. There was a part of the …

2023-04-23 First gained access to Facebook in 2008. I used to post a lot of updates, every day. Not saying they …

2023-04-23 Scrolling back through my Facebook history, learned I quit Friendster and MySpace in 2009.

2023-04-23 I did the thing and imported my tweets. I’m owning my history, as mundane as it is. I would …

2023-04-19 Air travel is still amazing. This morning I was in New Jersey. Posting this from my living room in …

2023-04-14 White Glove Delivery: Weasels who will use every opportunity to not do what you’ve paid handsomely …

2023-04-09 I’m thinking about The Curse of Knowledge. Wondering how best to elevate my team members at …

2023-04-09 I think the gravest error we’ve made as Americans is to assume that legal decisions are in any …

2023-04-09 Also working on transitioning email newsletters to Inoreader. And unsubscribing from stuff I’m …

2023-04-09 I’ve realized now that, due to a series of well-meaning decisions, I’ve probably cost …

2023-04-01 “In a way, April Fools’ Day is now the most honest day of the year, as at least the people pranking …

2023-04-01 Pwned by Lego: In the middle of me collecting Harry Potter-based kits, they have just announced …

2023-03-31 Feels silly to complain about snow when towns in states south of mine are getting leveled. Watch the …

2023-03-27 Decided to finally dig into this track: Time Moves Slow by BADBADNOTGOOD. I’ve frequently …

2023-03-24 Aurora Borealis, images taken before midnight on March 23, 2023

2023-03-24 The camera doesn’t show what I could see. But I’m 54 and I have never seen the night sky so full of …

2023-03-17 Sigur Rós is coming to the State Theater in Minneapolis in August. Tickets aren’t on sale just …

2023-03-17 I think I learned my lesson. Twice in the last week Power Nap burned through all my battery to the …

2023-03-12 The In Memoriam segments get harder to watch, every year

2023-03-12 Surgery complete. Magnetic joysticks from GuliKit, buttons from ExtremeRate, plus tools and manuals …

2023-03-10 Tonight I proved I can operate on a Joy-Con controller successfully. You need three hands, bright …

2023-03-10 Got an invite to the forthcoming Apple Classical app on a device running the iOS 16.4 public beta

2023-03-03 Status: Outlook (Not Responding) — just attempted to delete a draft from the Drafts folder. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

2023-02-25 I have realized, watching foodie TikTok, that I’m deeply fortunate that Mexican food has never been …

2023-02-25 I pay almost no attention to hockey, except this one case: fuck those cake eaters.

2023-02-23 Oops! Made the coffee a little strong this morning. But also? Mmm! Delicious!

2023-02-22 I don’t know who first popularized a breakfast sandwich. I came to know them via the …

2023-02-21 I’m opting for ad-supported corporate surveillance over my paying for same. So, no to paid …

2023-02-21 When you set your alarm for 5:45 PM but blessedly wake up close to the appointed hour from anxiety

2023-02-18 I was today years old when I realized the reason Ron has dirt on his face on the train to Hogwarts …

2023-02-17 I miss my gloves. I remember I put them somewhere they would be visible, however that place was not …

2023-02-14 Staring at my screen and my password just isn’t there

2023-02-12 Who’s Afraid of The Handmaid’s Tale? By Margaret Atwood. Lovely essay about decisions, context, and …

2023-02-10 Spent some time tonight playing Hogwarts Legacy. Sorted myself into the wrong house and started …

2023-02-09 Burt Bacharach has passed. If you’re of a certain age, he was behind a lot of music you grew …

2023-01-26 I just saw an ad for the 50th anniversary of Schoolhouse Rock. I can’t even. Also? An interjection …

2023-01-24 First two episodes of That 90’s Show were funny and amazingly nostalgic.

2023-01-24 Related: Some friends of mine used to joke about wearing bandoliers for our tech daily carry. Maybe …

2023-01-24 My work phone, in my pocket, unbeknownst to me, while I was seated in a meeting, interpreted …

2023-01-24 The built-in QR Code Scanner functionality is broken on iOS if you actually have to interact with …

2023-01-23 Absolutely one of the best articles I have read about “internet” business practices: The …

2023-01-22 The more I listen with second-gen AirPods Pro, the happier I am. Kick drum and bass sound more like …

2023-01-22 Apple Music infinite autoplay lead me to Money’s Money - EP on the heels of listening to …

2023-01-21 I was today years old when I learned about the Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit Project in my city. I am …

2023-01-21 I have been playing a lot of Animal Crossing

2023-01-19 City of St. Paul: We’re going to spend 4 days replowing snow from the city streets Everyone: …

2023-01-18 I’ve learned more about the former owner of the company I work for in 10 minutes of reading …

2023-01-17 Finally seeing the Mac Mini offered with the amount of internal storage to properly manage a large …

2023-01-17 When someone posts a collection of music they think is good and then you spend money on music: Rare …

2023-01-16 When you pour yourself a delicious coffee in a tumbler and then leave the tumbler behind. Monday.

2023-01-16 I’ve entertained several times the idea of a private Wordpress instance to archive all the …

2023-01-16 I did get my Twitter data. Tweets aren’t particularly portable at this point. I’m not …

2023-01-15 True to form: Vikings make the playoffs on a wildcard and choke in the first round.

2023-01-15 Thinking hard about advice I received from, to abandon services that can …

2023-01-15 Wondering how soon I might get an archive of my data from Twitter? I’d guess they aren’t …

2023-01-15 My latest thinking on the API blocking on the Billionaire Social Club is that the API’s will …

2023-01-13 Maybe a strategy to kill an albatross of an investment is to make so many offensive decisions that …

2023-01-13 Fascinating perspective on 1970s stagflation: The Forgotten History of the 1970s

2023-01-13 Spent six hours today in a situation room because Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Defender are both in …

2023-01-12 Is anyone else really fatigued with the sensational adjectives in sound bites and headlines? I feel …

2023-01-12 Sorry about the double post in the timeline. Not sure how I did that. Posts only shows the one.

2023-01-12 Do not love wearing a mask. But Doc says “Do.” #CheckUp

2023-01-07 I’ve decided that it’s okay to suspend a social media service for violations of my …

2023-01-07 “Snuck” into my house today, just to peek at the state of the remodel. I miss my home. Still months …

2023-01-01 Today, I was reminded that I am in fact a Vikings fan. And tonight’s loss affected my mood in a way …

2022-12-31 Gateful for Saturdays with no plans and nothing urgent. Grateful for cold brew coffee and …

2022-12-28 The end of an era: Common Roots is closed. They were a really integral part of making my wedding day …

2022-12-28 I just wanted to watch a YouTube video on my AppleTV.

2022-12-26 Elon Musk was never a liberal, and his plans for Twitter were never benevolent - Thomas Zimmer - The …

2022-12-26 I’m thinking about the uncertainty that I have, and that I see others demonstrate, regarding social …

2022-12-26 Our social media is imperfect, like we are. All of our good intentions come back to us with their …

2022-12-25 Perhaps moreso on the holidays than at other times, but always: There are too many dirty dishes to …

2022-12-25 Watched It’s a Wonderful Life, again, today. I’m not sure how many times I’ve seen it from start to …

2022-12-23 Bad habit: Posting directly from the web-based editor. And correcting. And correcting. And …

2022-12-23 Just read into Keybase documentation. Mastodon software supports Keybase, per-instance. However, due …

2022-12-23 Social Media Waffling, Migration, Culture, and Hope

2022-12-23 It’s probably just me, but only today I noticed that when you hover over a profile image in …

2022-12-23 Watching from a distance as my intended destination for a Christmas get-away appears to be …

2022-12-23 One under-appreciated or less-mentioned phenomenon of bitterly cold weather is that the world sounds …

2022-12-22 Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of …

2022-12-21 Watching Lego Masters, eating Halloween candy while keeping an eye on a snowstorm that is evolving, …

2022-12-21 My immediate behavior in the face of obligation-free paid time off is to sleep until I can’t …

2022-12-19 Book-ended my day with urgent calls, almost exactly 12 hours apart. “Jane! Get me off this crazy …

2022-12-19 I could easily have changed an elevated-access password Friday, when I received a three-day warning. …

2022-12-15 When the Jeopardy clues elicit responses such as “Bootylicious” and “Shuttlecock.” I heartily …

2022-12-13 That feeling when you find someone interesting to follow online, and then within 24 hours they …

2022-12-11 I’m probably using social media wrong, but I deeply enjoy following people who challenge me …

2022-12-11 Here’s the thing: We are all influencers. We all shape the world around us with our words and …

2022-12-11 I am thinking more about our advertiser-based media landscape, and I’m grateful that the …

2022-12-11 I’ve come to the conclusion that I have a T-Shirt problem.

2022-12-07 This is a test for @vincent. May your development be fruitful!

2022-12-07 That feeling when you order your sandwich without onion, and the first thing that falls out of the …

2022-12-03 Found The Maven Game’s recent newsletter The Opposite George to be very meaningful. I am a …

2022-12-03 Picked up some Gen 2 AirPods Pro. I have to say, compared to Gen 1, the low end is more pronounced …

2022-11-27 My daughter has existed without her Minecraft machine for 8 days. Set it up for her in our temporary …

2022-11-27 COVID test says it’s not that. But my daughter has had flu-like symptoms this past week and it looks …

2022-11-26 Twitter did not let me add my ActivityPub-compatible name to my display name on my Twitter profile …

2022-11-25 I was pleased to learn that in the Discover section on, you may not always need the full …

2022-11-25 Yesterday I found about 8 Twitter accounts that I follow mentioned or listed a Mastodon address. Did …

2022-11-25 But what if Apple became a mobile operator? It would accept inbound calls and send them to me as …

2022-11-25 If I could set my Apple Watch as the focus for my phone number, I’d be happy to carry an iPad …

2022-11-25 Reading and writing is wonderful. I have a brain that likes to make connections. Between consuming …

2022-11-25 Went to download FileZilla for my Windows laptop. I decided to get the paid version. $16 isn’t …

2022-11-25 I would like to thank @manton for making ready for this moment in time. This service is …

2022-11-25 Apparently it’s a very Black Friday for trees in my neighborhood. At least three chainsaws running …

2022-11-24 As a person who grew up in the midwest, I didn’t know I loved cornbread stuffing so much.

2022-11-24 I just watched the first 5 episodes of Wednesday. Would recommend!

2022-11-22 For a few days I was really worried I was going to need to create another account. But I just …

2022-11-21 Sorta wondering if ActivityPub will be the thing that finally makes syndication take off. I’ve …

2022-11-20 Feedle: a search is an RSS feed. Looking forward to discovering new sources!

2022-11-20 I don’t know what to do about social media. I’ve ghosted Facebook. I’m about to do …

2022-11-18 Temps dropping to 17F tonight. It’s cold enough for now. In January and February when the rises up …

2022-11-16 The story of moving out of our home to make way for a remodel starts and ends thusly: We were not …

2022-11-16 House was born in 1947. Not zero risk of lead-based paint. Demo for renovation starting soon.

2022-11-14 This just in: King size matresses resist. They do not want to be moved.

2022-11-14 Minnesota, where we love to bitch about the weather and double or triple commute times. And, we …

2022-11-11 “…I don’t wanna belong to the… to any of it. I just wanna be…” —Iggy Pop sampled in Crystal …

2022-11-10 Found my first-Gen AirPods Pro in an easy chair that I sit in daily. Reported them lost in the Find …

2022-11-09 Notification Fatigue: I read the message on my watch. I clear the notice on my iPhone screen, then I …

2022-11-08 I voted my conscience. I choose to see voting as my responsibility, and I am grateful I live in a …

2022-11-01 Is This Our Last Daylight Saving Time Change? Yeah: No. I still support ending the madness. Pick one …

2022-10-31 “There really is nothing better than a well-made latté” he said, finishing his second of the day.

2022-10-29 Come From or Running From?

2022-10-29 Land Acknowledgement For me, today, I reside in land formerly of Očhéthi Šakówiŋ and Wahpekute …

2022-10-29 We Need Critical ADHD Studies Now “Because the more you think the problem is in your brain, the less …

2022-10-28 I learn more watching a single episode of The Great British Baking Show than in most other things I …

2022-10-27 That feeling when, as an IT professional, I flunked a phishing test.

2022-10-23 We are slowly making permanent changes to our home, culminating in a big bang in coming months. I …

2022-10-21 This morning an industrial track hit just right as I pulled into the parking lot at work. I turned …

2022-10-17 Random speculation for Apple Fans: I doubt Apple is going to release an iPad dock if they …

2022-10-17 I think this is a valid question: can’t we make sure the perforations included for sizing a …

2022-10-16 I’m worried about home sharing of media via Apple Home Sharing. I’m running a lot of beta software …

2022-10-14 I did not expect the snow. But it is Minnesota so here we are.

2022-10-13 Printer wanted yellow ink. Would not print without. Ordered and installed yellow cartridge. Printer …

2022-10-10 May I suggest, as your support person, that your project includes discussion of user experience up …

2022-10-10 Scheduling conference rooms seems like it should be a no-brainer. Introduce any technology, however, …

2022-10-09 The plan of Political Action Committees seems to be: put more attack ads in the middle of unrelated …

2022-10-06 “Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts,” Mead said.

2022-10-03 Advocate for your child. It may not be your kid, it might be the system they are in. It is a sad …

2022-10-02 I have an irregular habit of building artist discography playlists. Tonight’s quick project …

2022-10-02 Complaints aside about picking up where I left on on MacOS, I’m glad I have my MacBook back. …

2022-10-02 Getting to engage with a fresh install of MacOS, not restoring from backup as I have been working …

2022-10-01 Status

2022-10-01 Which reminds me: All progress bars lie.

2022-10-01 Grateful for AppleCare replacing a damaged display. Clean start with the hard drive wiped for …

2022-10-01 Recommend:

2022-09-30 Did you ever have a day at work where you came face to face with change, where the documented …

2022-09-30 Tips in-app on the Apple Watch. Well played! And thank you.

2022-09-30 Executive Dysfunction: Spending time looking for my coffee only to conclude that I drank the coffee …

2022-09-26 Advertisers, this is Gen X speaking: Yello’s Oh Yeah was overused by the mid-90’s (the late 1900’s, …

2022-09-25 Sirius XM 1st Wave is killing it tonight.

2022-09-25 Coffee Bean

2022-09-24 I’ve had the software for a long time. Maybe now it’s time to see what I can do with it.

2022-09-24 When you find more music from an artist whose albums you have loved and it makes you yppah because …

2022-09-24 Doctors Stopped Believing in the ‘Chemical Imbalance’ Theory. But They Didn’t Tell Us From Mad in …

2022-09-22 Third dose of COVID vaccine still packs a wallop

2022-09-21 Generally, I try to keep the negativity away from my posts. Other times the thing I feel compelled …

2022-09-21 Just learned who is supplying wood for my home remodel. Via certified letter. Nothing like “We …

2022-09-19 As someone who has read Neuromancer (on paper) (in the 1980s), I adore this: Hackaday Cyberdeck …

2022-09-15 #Heilung #Myth

2022-09-15 Antici- #Heilung #Myth

2022-09-14 Well, then. Apparently Ford would like us to know about the new Mustang. As a mild gearhead, I’m …

2022-09-13 Apple, Sometimes the “St.” abbreviation stands for Saint, instead of Street. Siri was …

2022-09-13 Disappointed myself tonight. Needed to meet a client at work, after I had already been home, because …

2022-09-13 Dear Vendor, When you leave me a message saying I’m eligible for a discount, but you have not …

2022-09-10 First time visit to Bauer Brothers Salvage today was purposeful, to get a piece we had seen online. …

2022-09-04 ITunes (Apple Music) Music Rating Method

2022-09-04 Took a drive tonight to see if we could catch a glimpse. Ended up in Harris, MN. #auroraborealis …

2022-08-31 I have an intern at work who quizzed me about my first console. I told him it was something he …

2022-08-31 Auditing contacts for the first time since… contacts triplicating synchronizing to a portable device …

2022-08-28 Am I the only one who forgets they have a Gravatar?

2022-08-28 Brickset does the thing I’m a little surprised and disappointed LEGO itself doesn’t seem …

2022-08-28 I have built three Lego kits in the last few weeks. I’ve learned there is a larger Lego community …

2022-08-23 When Swarm tells you that you have been to a place 80 times… that’s the equivalent of once a month …

2022-08-22 This article about the Heraldic Rebus makes me wonder if I couldn’t come up with something clever. …

2022-08-20 Late as I am to all things cool, I started watching The Sandman series on Netflix. Enjoyed the first …

2022-08-19 That thing where the older I get, the more I realize what a pain in the ass I was for my parents. …

2022-08-18 Speaking as an IT Guy, it’s never not a treat to unbox a new MacBook Pro. Setting up an M1 Pro …

2022-08-17 As a person old enough to remember junk food (case in point, that phrase) before health scares, I am …

2022-08-14 Loss of smell and taste is a quality of life thing that is not to be underestimated. Hope this is …

2022-08-12 Blast it. Home test tonight says COVID.

2022-08-10 If you liken the MRI experience to Noise Core, and think about how some of the sounds would feel set …

2022-08-10 I am continually disappointed by my inability to type the simplest phrase without miskeying a great …

2022-08-08 That feeling when you and your significant other agree on the great candy from childhood.

2022-08-05 Last night of vacation. So bittersweet. Enjoying one more night on the porch knowing we need to get …

2022-08-01 Rainbow at sunset

2022-08-01 On Roanoke Sound

2022-07-31 Sunrise #OBX

2022-07-30 Air temp: 80F, water temp: 80F No chance of rain for the next several hours. No place to be for …

2022-07-28 The thing about when you’re going to a chain in the Outer Banks to pick up an order is you need to …

2022-07-27 At the beach #OBX #KillDevilHills

2022-07-26 Am I grateful for all of the people who reach out to me despite my many long silences? Yeah. I don’t …

2022-07-26 Is quiet time on the beach good for the soul? I feel strongly that yes, yes it is.

2022-07-24 Scrapple with breakfast this morning. Cooking it well is a challenge, but I think I met it.

2022-07-24 It has been a while since I have road-tripped to the east coast of the US—maybe ten or 12 years …

2022-07-22 Prepping, packing and then loading the vehicle always takes longer than the time allotted. …

2022-07-12 As an Intel MacBook Air owner, I simply did not expect to get Stage Manager with Ventura. I assumed …

2022-07-11 Took two downloads to install? First time launched an installer wizard which did not complete …

2022-07-11 Did iOS and WatchOS 9 updates earlier today. MacOS Ventura says 12.03 GB? Downloading now and will …

2022-07-10 Just ordered two Lego kits from the mother ship. Because Harry Potter universe.

2022-07-05 Listening to Crystal Method, again. I go long stretches without, and then something reminds me how …

2022-07-05 Neurodivergent Monday: It’s Tuesday Forgot coffee Forgot reading glasses Forgot watch Made it to …

2022-07-03 Am I the only one who resents LG for using In The Air Tonight in a commercial for a cordless …

2022-07-03 I continue to be amazed by the breadth and depth of the archeological coverage in The Explorator. …

2022-07-01 The watch says “Good morning!” The phone says “Good morning!” The dogs say “Good morning!” Okay! …

2022-06-30 My wife saw this picture and said “Full-on Lorax” I and my beard are in the middle

2022-06-30 Pizza and cider with an old friend

2022-06-26 Why I Hate Software (I Don't Really But Microsoft And Apple Are Still Frenemies)

2022-06-25 Passwords are a bear—I have to change every 90 days at work. Mandatory password change yesterday …

2022-06-25 I’m neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but on the face of it I support Minnesota Governor …

2022-06-22 Is it wierd or to be expected? Had a flickering screen issue on my built-in MacBook Air display. Fix …

2022-06-22 Taking out the trash today meant also picking up a squirrel whose last moments were spent next to my …

2022-06-21 Irritated. I paid for an album, for the second time, to get a 40th anniversary remaster. I …

2022-06-11 Thank you, SyFy Network, for reminding me how far back in history my childhood was.

2022-06-09 That feeling when you’re at work late because of, um, fixing a clerical error, when the quick thing …

2022-06-07 There was an old man, who swallowed a moth: “I didn’t plan to swallow a moth. It made me …

2022-06-07 Technology Frustration: Enterprise class laptops that only support a single external display, …

2022-06-07 Technology frustration: Sometimes my phone will not connect to Car Play in my car. Rebooting phone …

2022-06-07 Technology frustration: My daughter wanted to play Minecraft this morning. It wouldn’t launch. It …

2022-06-06 That Midnight M2 MacBook Air is looking pretty fine

2022-06-05 Watching videos on MTV, because Gen X. Old videos reminding me of a few minutes of my life when I …

2022-06-04 Yeah. Music is just as likely to bring tears to my eyes as anything, anymore

2022-06-04 My dad was emphatically not a Prince fan. But I had friends who had albums which I surreptitiously …

2022-06-04 Purple Rain tour concert film on PBS just started. I’m in.

2022-06-04 Saga Conversations — For reasons I don’t understand, this song has been an earworm for weeks. ¯_( …

2022-05-30 I just got a markdown-native writing app, which I’m excited about. Particularly the Apple-native …

2022-05-27 It’s “funny”. Until you read the bylines. The Onion

2022-05-27 I’m not proud of Apple if the union-busting activity is real

2022-05-25 Sometimes it’s color that catches my eye

2022-05-24 I had the privilege of attending a diversity, equity and inclusion presentation today. The good news …

2022-05-22 Loved the reference to The Big Lebowski in Family Guy, tonight

2022-05-22 Asking honestly: is there like a group of people who are super sick and tired of all the shadiness …

2022-05-21 Starting the day with puppies in my lap, coffee, Nintendo and Princess Bride.

2022-05-20 When, out of habit, you walk down the stairs of the atrium in your employer’s building, from the …

2022-05-19 We have had about three separate, significant hail storms at my house this year, in the space of a …

2022-05-18 So wierd journalists are shocked that Apple continues to support a production product (like an …

2022-05-18 It’s a triple espresso kind of morning. Fitbit says I slept okay but brain says it’s not feeling it.

2022-05-15 Feeling gimpy. Feeling old. Converse shoes don’t like me. Feet hurt. Knee hurts. Tylenol take me …

2022-05-09 Hail on St. Paul’s East Side. #MnWx #55119

2022-05-08 Turned a MacBook Pro into a slab book—I removed the non-functional display. It’s 2013 model …

2022-05-08 Wishing Apple would not advertise MacOS 12 on a machine that is not capable of running it. When a …

2022-05-03 The longer I live, the easier it is to spend time in reverie. Apple Music hit me with a deep cut …

2022-05-01 This weekend, I built a temple. Then I raised the mountain it rests upon. (Minecraft. Creative Mode) …

2022-04-24 I watched the first two episodes of Picard last night. I’m hooked.

2022-04-20 A little fog at night

2022-04-20 So great when people contact the help desk with an urgent issue we can’t solve because it’s a …

2022-04-17 The thing about over-eating and being overweight. It’s not that I’m hungry. It’s probably about a …

2022-04-17 Updated to Now

2022-04-13 Two gallons, so far. #DonorForLife

2022-04-10 When a TV show reminds you of a song you had forgotten about

2022-04-10 TIL about Sun’s Signature, a new project including Elizabeth Fraser and Damon Reece. See also: …

2022-04-06 No #bloodselfie today but I did the thing. If this donation is accepted, it will put me at the 2 …

2022-04-03 Everyone play Prince’s Sometimes It Snows in April, because it’s snowing. Melting but …

2022-04-03 Apple got me with the iPod. Nintendo got me with the Switch Lite. Just ordered an OLED Switch and a …

2022-03-26 When you go to build a playlist and it’s already there

2022-03-25 So how often does the Tufte blog theme get updated? Just curious. I noticed recently my version was …

2022-03-23 I’m not sure that offering to update an app when I launch it is the right thing for my squirrelly …

2022-03-23 My beard is grey, therefore I get offered the Senior Discount.

2022-03-20 Ya know, maybe the iPad with keyboard is the miniature laptop I have always coveted/hoped would …

2022-03-19 Can I just say that the Magic Keyboard Case makes an iPad feel like a completely new device. I love …

2022-03-19 It’s the little things. Where I live in Minnesota, the temp outside today was 50F. Walked the dogs …

2022-03-16 I love using embedded SVG images as soon as I found out that was a thing. But whenever I go to edit …

2022-03-16 The Moon has a halo tonight

2022-03-14 I use a Belkin dock with an Intel MacBook Pro. I know some of you are thinking “Let me stop you …

2022-03-14 These Daylight Savings transitions have got to stop. Why do we put ourselves through this? Adulting …

2022-03-13 I have consumed a significant number of espresso shots in a few large coffee drinks, however my …

2022-03-12 Buy music. Listening to an album that you cannot stream right now. Support your favorites directly …

2022-03-12 Cool thing I just discovered with Apple WatchOS 8.5, the Now Playing functionality includes the …

2022-03-12 Hooked up a powered sub in the living room, today. Listening to music as Nature intended.

2022-03-10 Listening to and enjoying the new Fleeting Joys album All Lost Eyes and Glitter. I feel like it was …

2022-03-10 I’ve gotten some big and small praise from colleagues at work from several quarters in the last few …

2022-03-03 Today I learned uni-ball is Mitsubishi Pencil. Visiting their website only cost me $36.

2022-03-03 “…Creativity is Nature manifest in us.” swissmiss | Give Yourself Permission to Be Creative

2022-03-03 Back to counting carbs. I looked at some of my recent choices and assumptions and proved myself to …

2022-02-26 I feel, more and more, as though maintaining holistic health is like a video game, where one must …

2022-02-23 I’m kinda excited about this: Tempest 4000 Brings Its Neon Insanity To Switch This Spring

2022-02-22 The Jeopardy National College Championship was fun to watch. Mayim Bialik is a great host

2022-02-22 There is a lot of ice in that beard, post snow-blowing, but it’s hard to see

2022-02-22 Sigur Rós are coming to the State Theater in May

2022-02-21 Installing Windows 11 from USB for the first time. Feels like Linux because it didn’t have WiFi …

2022-02-20 So disappointed. Getting my daughter set up with her own Microsoft account actually has made it …

2022-02-19 I realize I’m an edge case, but I wish you could put longer beards on Memojis.

2022-02-19 Grateful. Lots of extra sleep today. Print magazines, caffeinated beverages, left-over pizza, …

2022-02-16 Marketers: Nothing says “We want more money” than anything that includes the words …

2022-02-15 “Why is the coffee gone?” He thought to himself, as he realized he could not remember drinking all …

2022-02-14 A friend introduced me to the music of MADIS tonight. The Sea of Tranquility album sounds …

2022-02-13 Damn. Looks like Rings of Power is a series I’m going to have to watch

2022-02-13 Best half-time since Prince. #PepsiHalftime

2022-02-09 LinkedIn is testing a new ‘no politics’ setting Wishing more large services offered similar. At …

2022-02-07 That thing where I have remote starting for my car but do not remember to use it to my benefit

2022-02-03 Wanted to watch the Olympics but got talking heads. Moving on.

2022-02-02 Listening to a lot of Seasurfer lately. I discovered them a few years ago and was reacquainted with …

2022-01-31 Can I say, as an IT person, I’m really tired of running updates. So little control over what is …

2022-01-31 Used all the caffeines to power through a long work weekend. Today, I started my day early and my …

2022-01-27 Seasurfer Dive In Apple Music suggested this one to me this morning. It’s right up my alley. I know …

2022-01-24 The Junk email folder is as good a reminder as any of the newsletters I thought I wanted but am not …

2022-01-22 Just listened to an album from 1991 that I had forgotten about, Culture Beat’s Horizon. I got …

2022-01-18 We never wax steady, we wax and wane. We never wax steady, we wax and wane. Brought to you by …

2022-01-11 True Fact: The place on earth with weather conditions most inhospitable to human life is whatever …

2022-01-09 This is probably a controversial opinion, but I’m so sick and tired of every home improvement show …

2022-01-06 I have been on both sides of this, at times: 10 Ways You’re Annoying the Hell Out of Your …

2022-01-02 Mr. Rogers was right. Look for the helpers. My God! They are everywhere if you want to see them.

2022-01-02 Today, I learned the written word is my love language.

2021-12-31 Reviewing the Bullet Journal methodology. Again. In the past I have been done capture reasonably …

2021-12-30 It is too easy for personal epiphanies to pass from awareness

2021-12-29 Read Nicholas Bate’s Your 2022 Word. My word for 2022 is Grow It’s not a resolution, nor …

2021-12-25 “And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long …

2021-12-25 Merry Christmas! May you find gratitude May you find joy in each other And let there be peace on …

2021-12-22 That feeling when you got rid of keys that had been hanging about. Then, much later, you find what …

2021-12-22 ME: Thinks of something clever to post ADHD: There is a squirrel ME: There was something clever I …

2021-12-22 Go from overtired to playfully over-caffeinated with three closely-spaced servings of stong coffee. …

2021-12-21 Tough times in Puppy Town

2021-12-19 Inaugurating the movement of my Den to the main floor of my house with a viewing of the R40 concert …

2021-12-19 Excellent game #Hufflepuff! Congratulations! You represented us well, #Slytherin! …

2021-12-19 When the dogs sleep on me, it feels like love. But? Maybe I’m just a heated dog bed

2021-12-18 Had a strange thing happen in October. Had a very intense dizzy spell that just did not abate. Part …

2021-12-17 The human mind is under no obligation to conform to the DSM

2021-12-16 “The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed,” said Bill.

2021-12-16 Have I peaked? Is that the right question? Is that the wrong question?

2021-12-15 #BloodSelfie

2021-12-14 My top three. I have had these locked in for a while. So these are my picks for tonight’s …

2021-12-12 As a #Slytherin, happy to see my House make it to the Grand Finals. Questions were really tough …

2021-12-11 Aftermath: I think we have a foot of snow to move. Fresh-fallen slow is beautiful on a clear …

2021-12-10 Just set up Logitech Flow to share a bluetooth keyboard and mouse between a MacBook and a …

2021-12-10 It’s a paid feature, but Inoreader can turn public Telegram channels into feeds you can …

2021-12-05 Tip of the hat to #Ravenclaw for the win tonight. We shall meet again! #TournamentofHouses

2021-12-05 My house is competing tonight. #TournamentofHouses #Slytherin

2021-11-28 This was a great night for #Hufflepuff #TournamentofHouses

2021-11-28 First questions were super-easy. Dueling Club questions got hard. This is good! #TournamentofHouses …

2021-11-28 Super impressed with the attention to detail in #TournamentofHouses. Lovely Easter Eggs

2021-11-28 I had thought Olympe Maxime was a giant, but confirmed through references that she indeed is a …

2021-11-28 Had to look up the gifts in 12 Days of Christmas. I had a solid 9 out of 12, but several in the …

2021-11-28 Speaking of newsletters on Sunday, Explorator News is wonderful. It is self-described as …

2021-11-28 Inoreader has a special for the next few days: 18 months of Pro for the price of 12. I just renewed, …

2021-11-28 Was just introduced to the ideas of Ken Wilbur’s Integral Theory via the SLOWW Sunday …

2021-11-28 Long ago, when I was a boy, in the summertime my grandmother used to put brewed coffee in the …

2021-11-27 So I’m finding that I can only “rate” iTunes music on MacOS at the moment. Does anyone else …

2021-11-25 If you celebrate Thanksgiving in the USA, I hope yours was a good one. My wife and I hosted, …

2021-11-24 It don’t know if it’s a ritual, but maybe it should be. That first sip of coffee in the morning is …

2021-11-21 Adele Got Spotify to Remove the Shuffle Button from Album Pages I personally have no problem with …

2021-11-21 At the end of the day, when my watch celebrates that I have stood on my feet at least 12 times, I …

2021-11-20 It’s Complicated A playlist I’m developing. Track order needs sorting. Linking or uniting the tracks …

2021-11-20 This morning I did find the keys that I was increasingly concerned were gone for good. They were in …

2021-11-19 Atlas Obscura is wonderful. How Scholars Cracked a Medieval Alchemist’s Secret Code

2021-11-19 When you misplace your keys really well for the second time in a week and buy Apple AirTags with a …

2021-11-19 When you work in the same building for nine years but consistently walk to the wrong place to take …

2021-11-18 That feeling of relief when you did the right research, bought the correct replacement part, and …

2021-11-14 I imagined at some point my daughter might enjoy gaming. That day has arrived and I’m learning about …

2021-11-14 People Aren’t Stupid

2021-11-12 Sometimes when Microsoft products are doing things you don’t want, you have to approach the …

2021-11-07 The flip side of old photos are the reminders of what we don’t carry forward. Those …

2021-11-07 We have spent much of the day going through family photos. We would like to set up part of our home …

2021-11-06 The Five Gifts of Hathor A long preamble, but the gold is at the end. Both clever and powerful.

2021-11-05 Giving my health insurance a workout these last few weeks. Most tests returning good or normal …

2021-11-03 Hail Coffee, full of cream! Caffeine is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst beverages, and blessed …

2021-11-03 Started today with a bang. And an expletive. That was me falling on the stairs

2021-10-31 It’s an old microwave but it still warms my heart. The first button is for making popcorn 🍿

2021-10-31 Danse Macabre par Saint-Saëns

2021-10-31 Status: tricked and treated

2021-10-28 Friday began a bit of an odyssey to discover that I have a massive sinus infection. The kind that …

2021-10-20 The Best RSS Feed Readers for Streamlining the Internet I’m a paid Inoreader user. Arrived …

2021-10-19 There’s a Moon over Margaret Street tonight…

2021-10-18 In Apple’s Post-Jobs, Post-Ives design era, I feel like device industrial design is looking a …

2021-10-08 ADHD Tax: When I panic about losing my phone while I’m in a meeting. Phone was less than a foot from …

2021-10-07 Anyone else noticed the increased usage of the word Cyber, recently? Just me? Cause I’m old …

2021-10-06 That feeling when you get the email from the vendor that an item has shipped. Yet the tracking …

2021-10-05 A new day brought new places to type and click to resolve more kinds of technical issues. There was …

2021-10-04 Then, somehow, Plan D crashed on the landing. Tomorrow is another day.

2021-10-04 That thing where the supply chain issues in our country from sea to shining sea means executing on …

2021-10-03 When you find a British show about designing kitchens and discover that you had already been …

2021-10-02 Welp, I’m all in on iCloud email. Deleted the G-Suite account for my vanity domain. I changed …

2021-09-27 This is from a selfie my daughter took with her iPod. The Photos widget in iOS presented me a …

2021-09-27 Jupiter, Saturn, and lens flare

2021-09-27 Celiac Pet Peeve: When you check the ingredient list of the thing you bought (because you were sure …

2021-09-25 I had an espresso machine, now I don’t. But today I wish I could quickly get a couple of …

2021-09-25 More coffee! Because sometimes you have a short night and a long weekend work exercise to monitor. …

2021-09-25 I was going to make a meteorological joke about morning mental fog lifting later this morning, after …

2021-09-24 I did not expect the Apple Watch to add as much complication to the phone transfer as it does. …

2021-09-24 T-Mobile got me going, eventually. Grateful for the work of three individuals. Trick was to use the …

2021-09-24 It has become clear during the process of transferring devices and service how much the Apple Watch …

2021-09-24 Received new iPhone, but will be interesting to see if T-Mobile can get service to it. They …

2021-09-22 Silly, silly me. I assumed that if I signed into iCloud via the Contacts app, I would only be …

2021-09-20 Donating my 14th pint #bloodselfie

2021-09-15 I am triggered with song whenever I encounter the place name Gitche Gumee. It’s about a legend that …

2021-09-14 Team meetings sometimes are frustrating. I’ve noticed, though, that sometimes the frustration …

2021-09-13 Sweet Merciful… Every single time Sommer’s MacBook tries to update, it becomes very unhappy. …

2021-09-10 Straw hat at sunset

2021-09-09 When the power strip is shaped in such a way that it was possible (in the dark, under my desk) to …

2021-09-09 Tonight I learned about inline SVG and OpenGraph while leveraging a template to redesign the landing …

2021-09-06 Travel Experiences

2021-09-05 There and back again. Dayton, OH > Saint Paul, MN. 1400 miles in two days!

2021-09-05 Construction zones in Indiana have signs that scold you: Your speed is flashing number, flashing …

2021-09-05 Status: somewhere in Indiana

2021-09-04 Homeward: Kill Devil Hills, NC > Dayton, OH

2021-09-04 “…The shifting shafts of shining weave the fabric of their dreams.” Sunrise, Kill Devil Hills, NC

2021-09-03 Listening to the surf and watching the sky. Last night in OBX

2021-09-03 There is just no way a few hours at the ocean can’t be beautiful #obx

2021-09-02 Status

2021-09-02 When you spend time reading well-researched writing on pensieves. It’s a fascinating idea to explore …

2021-09-01 Me and Louie

2021-08-30 Did a preliminary scan of the steps involved in transferring my vanity email to iCloud. I was very …

2021-08-30 Note to Self: Tame Impala Radio on Spotify as played at Noosa Beach Grill, Nag’s Head, North …

2021-08-30 Good morning from the Outer Banks!

2021-08-28 Today’s travel: Norfolk > Portsmouth (Churchland and Port Norfolk) > Kill Devil Hills We are …

2021-08-26 Yesterday’s travel: Littleton, NC > Roanoke Rapids, NC > White Oak, NC > Norfolk, VA …

2021-08-24 Scrapple with breakfast. Cheer wine with dinner. We are not in Minnesota.

2021-08-21 “East bound and down, loaded up and truckin” Many destinations in the next while.

2021-08-17 There is an R40 Cinema Strangiato thing happening on Sept 9. Anyone want to go with me? Celebrating …

2021-08-15 We had to let it go. We had put in a bid on a home of a scale and from a time that I have long …

2021-08-14 Coffee and morning naps and breakfast sandwiches and house TV shows and brainstorming ideas is about …

2021-08-02 Does anyone else experience time travel via music? I Listen to First Wave on Sirius XM and have …

2021-07-31 Found my bike helmet. It’s about twenty years old, by now, but never suffered an impact. Working on …

2021-07-31 Yesterday our family learned the hard way that security cameras don’t see everything. And my …

2021-07-25 “…We have become the data we were supposed to be stealing or subverting.” Cyberpunk, Anti-Politics, …

2021-07-22 Pleasantly surprised today. My watch let me know my phone was in the car when I walked into my work …

2021-07-22 We will see how pushy Evernote is on the new subscription prices… I have been contributing $5/month …

2021-07-19 I have a new vice: Spicy Japanese Peanuts from Picosita Candy They are covered in Tajin

2021-07-06 16 hours without power. Grateful for the workers who improved local infrastructure to bring it back. …

2021-07-01 TIL: WatchOS 8 will allow reactions in Messages

2021-07-01 Coffee: For the win

2021-07-01 iPad Air: being able to use the pencil on-screen feels better than hunting and pecking. But in …

2021-07-01 Apple Watch: speaking replies to messages is my new jam. Having the option to leave my phone in my …

2021-06-27 Answered some questions I didn’t know I had: Can I Shed a Virus After I Get A Vaccine?

2021-06-25 The Police, Synchronicity II The workaday world, some events in my life, and this song

2021-06-24 With respect to an app store, well-played, Microsoft! Your move, Apple.

2021-06-23 The Cutter - Echo and the Bunnymen A second song Shuffle Play dredged up that I haven’t heard …

2021-06-23 The Ambitions Are: Wake Up Breathe Keep Breathing Shuffle Play unearthed a favorite. Nicole …

2021-06-22 A lovely night for a pint

2021-06-20 This includes my Dad’s favorite chair in a favorite room. I took this shot, visiting my mom, a few …

2021-06-17 Struggling super hard with organization. As an ADHD’er, this is career defining/limiting. I …

2021-06-17 Is it just me? On Windows 10, an Intel Core i5 can’t seem to keep up with Teams, much less …

2021-06-14 Shout out to Tony, who I have missed these many years. I explained learning about The Game to a …

2021-06-14 I do not have a subscription to read the Washington Post, where the source article appeared, but I …

2021-06-12 A dose of real. I’ve lived in Minnesota the majority of my life and I’m sure I’ve done …

2021-06-12 I have been on a Harry Potter binge recently, having watched all of the movies again, and now …

2021-06-11 A key to growth is to stop assuming I have learned every lesson in a given area. I rediscovered a …

2021-06-10 Setting up an iPad Pro and Magic Keyboard for a client today. I don’t covet the iPad as my new …

2021-06-08 Homophones are an issue when attempting to dictate through voice recognition— Mail versus male in …

2021-06-07 Could it be true? Custom domain names are coming to iCloud mail with iCloud+ Have been waiting for …

2021-06-06 Long story, but I’m getting good at replacing door knobs. Bad news is I’m the reason I’m getting the …

2021-06-05 Pronouns I think what it means is to be seen. Seen as whole. Seen as accepted. Seen in entirety. …

2021-06-02 “More trips than Timothy Leary” said Pat Sajak, just now. Not the sort of counter-culture reference …

2021-06-02 Dear Coffee, I am grateful for you every day. Yours truly, Hjalmer

2021-05-31 Remembrance

2021-05-30 Remembering Hjalmer Lindberg and Erich Gerloff, today.

2021-05-29 35 Box Office Flops That Are Actually Worth Watching Kinda nice to get a second opinion on some …

2021-05-28 Heard Take Me Home on satellite radio earlier today. Because I owned No Jacket Required, naturally, …

2021-05-27 Bless you, Coffee Machine

2021-05-23 Apple Beta program participation disadvantage I haven’t seen mentioned before: media-sharing …

2021-05-16 Second shot packed a wallop. In the intervening 24 hours I hope I’m through the worst of it. Body …

2021-05-15 Second dose acquired. The Vaccination, Part II: Return to House Pfizer

2021-05-13 Contact interoperability via VCF or CSV file is simply terrible. It could be as simple as …

2021-05-11 The Voice seasons seem to move really fast now. I don’t feel like I get to know the contestants and …

2021-05-10 I appreciate the voice-to-text ability of my watch more and more every day. Especially as I struggle …

2021-05-05 I always wanted to be a DJ, from the days I listened to my Radio Shack FM radio all day long as a …

2021-05-04 Minnesota State Fair Announces Walk-Around Days “The fairgrounds will be open for a five-day ‘mini …

2021-05-04 When you boot up your MacBook after a few days off and your Login Keychain is gone…

2021-04-27 Have lost a cousin to COVID today. It’s still killing people. Be careful, everyone.

2021-04-27 What if you took the opportunity to turn your secure pass-phrase into a positive affirmation? Or a …

2021-04-26 Watching videos on MTV again. Glad to see them. And always struck by how music unravels times and …

2021-04-25 15-minute wait after first vaccination. This place is huge and I appreciate the clear mobilization …

2021-04-23 Finally registered for my COVID vaccinations. Happy, for me, and that makes me feel better I’m …

2021-04-22 My work day started with my awesome new Logi MX KEYS keyboard not Bluetoothing to anything, …

2021-04-20 There is a lot of discussion of justice on the national level. We have a single case of …

2021-04-20 When you don’t use the filter basket, the coffee maker doesn’t behave the same way. …

2021-04-18 TIL The Trashmen were from Minneapolis.

2021-04-17 It’s a bonfire kind of night. Two other yards on the same side of the street as me also have fires …

2021-04-17 Status

2021-04-17 Listening to the Nineties, today. The author of a sub-blog I follow produced a series of posts …

2021-04-16 This just in: COVID is still deadly.

2021-04-15 Putting some thoughts here, while they are on my mind: Political parties and news organizations love …

2021-04-13 Watching the snow fall in Saint Paul and singing a song quietly to myself

2021-04-11 Just got news several extended family members are simultaneously ill with the UK Variant of COVID, …


2021-04-04 The forgotten director who gave us The Force, inspired 2001, and changed film @ Ars Technica

2021-04-04 Hot coffee and cookies on a cool morning

2021-03-30 One of these things is not like the other



2021-03-27 I’m old because I remember MTV playing music video always, and I’m up early enough to watch AMTV

2021-03-24 Unspoken Role of Technical Support: Absorb and correct for damage created by other companies …

2021-03-23 This makes me very sad: The Case Against Year-Round Daylight Savings Time: We Tried It Before I was …

2021-03-23 There. I didn’t have to say it: Sex Addiction Is Not a Thing Also? I don’t think that …

2021-03-15 TIL Curved screens are fragile.

2021-03-15 TechnoKing You do you, Elon. I’m just gonna enjoy some popcorn.

2021-03-15 My Semi-Annual Plea: Please stop the madness with the clock shifting. Pick one and run with it. …

2021-03-14 The memorial section of the Grammys is slaying me.

2021-03-13 So there’s a music project called Lost Horizons—that I didn’t know about 30 minutes …

2021-03-13 I am very pleasantly surprised with the most current release of the iOS Bullet Journal application. …

2021-03-13 Sometimes the wave hits you Sometimes you’re under the wave Sometimes you’re in the wave …

2021-03-13 Yesterday morning on the way to work, Led Zepplin’s Tea for One cycled into my playlist and …

2021-03-12 New model of Antikythera mechanism solves front gearing system puzzle A few more specifics, still …

2021-03-12 How to Tell Which Emails Quietly Track You :: sigh ::

2021-03-10 Today I learned about xkpasswd, a password generator inspired by the xkcd comic. The internet is …

2021-03-06 Picked up the new Echodrone album Resurgence this morning. Their name describes elements I love from …

2021-03-03 Dare Mighty Things /via

2021-03-02 Dishwasher replaced today. So grateful, I’m running my third load. This probably opens me up …

2021-03-02 The rate at which I am losing elders in my family is alarming. I’ve made it into my fifties …

2021-03-02 “The major effect of testosterone is to make effort feel good.” — “The problem is …

2021-03-01 100-ish Books on Autism and Neurodiversity Books approved by the autistic community about the …

2021-02-28 Blast from the past: it was fun to hear music from The 5th Dimension on CBS Sunday Morning. I was …

2021-02-27 My friend Paulio has a discussion of what makes a good password manager. He has solid criteria and a …

2021-02-27 Hoping privacy remains a thing. MailTrackerBlocker Via

2021-02-26 Joined Twitter on this day in 2008. In those days we talked about ambient connectivity and hashtags …

2021-02-23 A colleague shared this and I don’t want to lose track of it: Ric Elias: 3 Things I Learned …

2021-02-20 Bluejays and cardinals at the feeder. They are lovely in the morning sun

2021-02-20 Between the apps I use and my browser history, I can’t figure out who had the link to the …

2021-02-17 More like this, please: Mental Health Professionals Responding to Police Calls Has Lead to No …

2021-02-15 META: To render a blockquote correctly in the Timeline and in the Marfa template, the …

2021-02-15 From an email subscription today: So be good to each other. Be humble and kind. Be generous. If you …

2021-02-14 Listening to a lot of Echodrone, today. Bought two albums and am excited for a new release next …

2021-02-10 As I transitioned the SIM in my phone from Sprint to T-Mobile, today, I learned I’ve been a …

2021-02-10 I have a non-neurotypical daughter in a school system that has doubled-down on the use of law …

2021-02-08 I will say this about social media: It is what I make it. I have stolen a strategy from Mr. Rogers, …

2021-02-07 The Winter Chill playlist on Apple Music has a vibe very similar to the HED Kandi Winter Chill …

2021-02-05 I recently relistened to Feels So Good by Chuck Mangione. I was in search of the source of a sample. …

2021-02-04 When the wind makes it feel colder than it is… 15 degrees Fahrenheit

2021-02-04 My biggest professional challenge is to adjust my thinking from a tactically-thinking individual to …

2021-02-03 Good morning!

2021-02-01 Poppa and Sofia. And beard.

2021-01-28 Someone at work today made a clever reference to Whole Lotta Love, comparing project status to the …

2021-01-27 Being able to speak a text message to my watch is something I didn’t realize I would like so …

2021-01-26 Listened to Ulrich Schnauss' single Asteroid 2467 and I was struck by how much it sounded like …

2021-01-17 Gandalf and the Roman Cult of Mithras Via Explorator

2021-01-06 It doesn’t make sense for the left hand to punch the right hand, nor for the right leg to kick the …

2021-01-01 Nature Illuminated at the Minnesota Zoo is beautiful. It runs through January 17th, 2021. Highly …

2021-01-01 Bags are very much a Goldilocks thing for me. Size, capacity, pockets, compartments. I went small …

2021-01-01 Midnight made it to our slice of the globe. Happy New Year, Everyone!

2020-12-27 The annual retrospectives reviewing who has left this mortal coil continue to become more poignant …

2020-12-26 Tonight’s project. I actually thought for some time that I had been shorted one critical piece. Then …

2020-12-26 Listening to Wolfmother today. They are a retro-looking blend of 70’s hard-rock, prog-rock and …

2020-12-25 “And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long …

2020-12-24 “…A right jolly old elf”

2020-12-24 Half-day at work, then cleared the drive of snow. Grateful for snow throwers. Husqvarna has been …

2020-12-24 On Main Viewer: The Polar Express (2004)

2020-12-21 Last night I told a speaker to play 80s New Wave. I remembered the future I once dreamed of included …

2020-12-15 As much as I’m grateful to Jardiance advertisements for bringing the skin of my perineum to …

2020-12-15 I will say it again: I wish I could update AppleTVs via the Home app in the same way that I can …

2020-12-14 Listening to Harry Styles’ Golden tonight, I hear Doobie Brothers Minute By Minute and Christopher …

2020-12-08 Saturday: Living room re-arranged Sunday: Tree selected and placed Monday: Cranberry and popcorn …

2020-12-07 I miss getting to know the contestants on The Voice. These short seasons seem too rushed and …

2020-12-04 What I have realized is that photos can’t capture thoughts or feelings. Not exactly. They don’t …

2020-11-30 I don’t know to which deity I owe the most thanks and praise, but I am grateful for the …

2020-11-29 Trust no political party. The evidence continues to suggest they are more interested in having us …

2020-11-26 Bittersweet, making room for the new. Took apart a small IKEA chair from much earlier in my …

2020-11-26 I think about journaling more often then I actually write. The internal censor is strong.

2020-11-19 Iconic Arecibo Alien-Hunting Observatory Will Be Demolished Storm damage and a lack of shared …

2020-11-19 “This isn’t a tech problem. This is tech revealing a human problem." #DanielMessler …

2020-11-18 Ooh! A new Lego catalog in the mail, today!

2020-11-18 Followed this one all the way through: How to have your Memoji as your profile picture — anywhere …

2020-11-13 Sometimes my writing is just terrible. I am too long out of practice.

2020-11-13 Hold the Big Sur, and Unexpected Big Sur

2020-11-12 Finally!

2020-11-12 My Big Sur experience since noon today on my non-beta (10.15.7) laptop

2020-11-09 I was today-years-old when I learned about castoreum. I can only wonder, how did we attain the …

2020-11-07 The work continues. Work doesn’t end with an inauguration or a concession. You keep your …

2020-11-02 I was just having a conversation with my daughter about how we used to think that we would have …

2020-10-31 Scary Halloween pic. Silvertone is my favorite filter.

2020-10-31 The first James Bond movie I remember seeing, on TV, in the late 1970s, was You Only Live Twice. It …

2020-10-28 Poor Choice: Not powering down or rebooting a Windows laptop before connecting it to a new docking …

2020-10-28 Poor Choice: High-speed electronic dance music during stop-and-go traffic

2020-10-27 I listen to Deftones because they are my unvocalized primal screams. All of them.

2020-10-26 I am impressed with the engine that runs our community. Yesterday I rebuilt a page on my …

2020-10-24 I have updated my ætherial page with links to all of the artists. I hope this is a much more useful …

2020-10-23 Wait… How long has Apple’s Text Edit been able to open OpenOffice SXW files?

2020-10-23 The feeling when the sense of disappointment that you left your coffee in the car is deepened with …

2020-10-22 Impenetrable Absurdity

2020-10-15 When your daughter makes you a treat. Clever girl!

2020-10-14 Dead Leaf Echo

2020-10-13 I remember loving Pointcast and installing it on home and work computers. At the time I also loved …

2020-10-03 Initial diagnosis 72 hours ago. Remdesivir Treatment began 48 hours ago. The deceit and the …

2020-10-01 So… possible frost this weekend. Just realized we need to get out the weatherstripping. Seems like a …

2020-09-30 I was reading some “Dad Jokes” to my daughter. She said, “Poppa, can you look up some jokes?”

2020-09-28 The Halloween Tree

2020-09-28 Danse Macabre, Op. 40

2020-09-27 Sending an old device to the Great Cloud in the Sky

2020-09-22 Gravity

2020-09-19 Primary Concern theory versus Worst Damage theory at Daniel Messler.

2020-09-19 I’m a long-time fan of Randall Carlson which I owe to the Joe Rogan podcast. Anyway, outside of …

2020-09-18 Via aclu_nationwide

2020-09-15 I am excited by restaurant delivery services and use them frequently. I am deeply disappointed by …

2020-09-14 Back to School 2020

2020-09-12 Shere Hite Dies; Her Work Lives

2020-09-09 that feeling when you’re trying to configure a new service management tool, but every …

2020-09-06 Territories

2020-09-05 Mars Edit Test Post

2020-09-04 Dude! I was The Dude! #strikesandgutters #guttersandstrikes

2020-09-02 “The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled today that the NSA’s bulk collection of …

2020-09-01 “The Greeks had no original sin and no eschatology because they saw nothing inherently wrong …

2020-08-29 Just finished: The Case of the Missing Marquess (Enola Holmes #1) by Nancy Springer 📚 I saw that …

2020-08-29 And…the worst case? I asked. “Facebook might have won already, which would mean the end of democracy …

2020-08-29 Today I read about Jaron Lanier and Bill Gibson in a print magazine that wasn’t Wired. These …

2020-08-24 Photo Sharing Is/Is Not Simple

2020-08-24 First time in a sunflower field

2020-08-20 Made it all the way through. It seems like this iteration is less “white” or …

2020-08-20 Still going. Antici…

2020-08-20 Haven’t seen this before

2020-08-20 Proceeds like an iOS update with lots of time set aside for processing

2020-08-20 Total size is about (?) 5 Gigs smaller than the first beta

2020-08-20 Public Beta 2 update under way

2020-08-16 I was pleased and impressed by the thoroughness of the profile of Psilocybin on 60 Minutes, of all …

2020-08-16 Grateful Dead - Eyes of the World “…Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the …

2020-08-16 Music can return me to times, places, and states of mind in a way that almost no other …

2020-08-16 To speak is to risk being misunderstood.

2020-08-14 Jónsi with Elizabeth Fraser - Cannibal

2020-08-13 One for Evernote: The Fanatics

2020-08-12 When the Supplemental Update for your device is 3.2 Gigs…

2020-08-09 Preserving Audio Formats

2020-08-09 Technology Nostalgic: Tape Deck

2020-08-09 Psychedelic Furs: The Ghost in You Still Love it. From 1984, when I was a wee 16.

2020-08-08 808 on 8/08 I always think of 808State

2020-08-08 Imported just 7 posts from an old blog into my current home. Exported from Blogger, imported to …

2020-08-07 From a colleague at work. You may have an earworm…

2020-08-06 Made it! #BigSur #PublicBeta

2020-08-06 Here we go! #BigSur #PublicBeta

2020-08-06 My progress bar has stopped moving but my Mac has continued to download additional data #beta …

2020-08-06 Diving in! It’s a big download, but I have enrolled in the Big Sur Public Beta

2020-08-05 AirPods Pro

2020-08-02 Status

2020-08-01 Having dietary concerns is a minefield. I dangerously assumed a special order I made for home …

2020-07-29 Just dumped out a bunch of water at my desk. It doesn’t happen often, but every time it does …

2020-07-28 Settled. Science. Is a contradiction in terms. Science is constantly in motion pushing the frontiers …

2020-07-27 It’s here! Got myself a birthday present from @schoolstoic

2020-07-25 One of my favorite photos, from June 2010. #michelewhitephotography

2020-07-24 Is it just me with the disappointment that now even our TV screens must be rebooted?

2020-07-18 Rainbow and thunder

2020-07-18 I change my theme frequently. I’d like to thank @roelwillems for the quick tip on …

2020-07-18 Apple Music has generated a radio station based on my preferences. It is eerie to have me fed back …

2020-07-18 Just was emailed directly about the Cyph service. Does anyone have experience with it? It was …

2020-07-16 Today, I learned that evapotranspiration, also called Corn Sweat (in the parlance of our times), is …

2020-07-12 Sobering statistic: The rate of death from COVID-19 for people with Type 2 Diabetes is 12 times …

2020-07-10 First sticker! #microblog #thankyou

2020-07-05 Music is such a strange, personal journey. In my twenties I really didn’t think I could get …

2020-07-02 The universal plea of the person with more than one device talking to the same service: Can’t …

2020-06-28 It’s looking to me (after a cursory seach) like there is not current agreement on HTML anchors …

2020-06-27 Missing Persons - Spring Session M

2020-06-26 You Want a Confederate Monument?

2020-06-26 File Under “Things I Wish I Had Thought of, Sooner”: Deadpan Existential Jokes Would work great as …

2020-06-26 Perfect. #cantyoureadthesign

2020-06-25 I did not know, or I forgot, that the Newton was powered by an ARM processor

2020-06-25 DISC assessment at work, today. The difference between my perception of myself and the perception …

2020-06-20 Dave Chappelle: 8:46

2020-06-16 That feeling when I’m searching iTunes and my music collection for an album that I know I own. …

2020-06-08 Dear Coffee, I am just writing to let you know how much I appreciate all that you do for me. In …

2020-06-06 I just learned you can get the Apple TV aerial screensavers on your Mac.

2020-06-05 Still in Hollywood

2020-06-04 Noted: It’s a privilege to learn about racism rather than to experience it.

2020-06-03 I cannot say they made no attempt to notify me. #StaySafeMN

2020-06-03 RTO or Return to Office is what my company is calling it. We are at 10 percent staffing on-site, …

2020-06-01 For such a tiny update, 13.5.1 is taking plenty of time to install…

2020-06-01 Return to Office


2020-05-30 St. Paul Curfew for May 29-31

2020-05-30 So, yeah. I’m on the east side of St. Paul and I’m lucky not much has come close to me. But I …

2020-05-28 MPD 3rd Precinct is on fire folks

2020-05-28 If you are thoughtful, and you want to understand why, you can find the answer. The work is to …

2020-05-27 My head is pounding. I’ve had personal epiphanies so now I have more work to do. I want to binge on …

2020-05-26 Skeleton crew today is even more skeleton-y because of folks taking extra time-off for the holiday. …

2020-05-23 The delivery guys did come. The original window was between 10 and 2, later revised by email this …

2020-05-22 I didn’t get up early enough. A can of Coke is fine for the boost, but doesn’t taste …

2020-05-20 This is assuming I understand anything, but I think it would be cool if the Apple Home app could …

2020-05-19 It’s hard to remember to put on a face mask every time I walk away from my desk at work. …

2020-05-12 Today I note, to my chagrin, that while cupping my hand over my mouth and nose does not work to …

2020-05-08 Just unboxed this Macally keyboard and I’m already a fan!

2020-05-07 I didn’t realize Keybase was looking for a buyer, or was as such something one could buy. I …

2020-05-05 I’m using #HowWeFeel to help track and fight COVID-19. For each new user HWF is donating a meal …

2020-04-22 Culver’s.

2020-04-19 Explorator is a wonderful resource if you’re interested in classical history, anthropology, …

2020-04-17 Target.

2020-04-15 I know I’m a late-comer to this, but I am so impressed with keyboard integration on iOS. Makes an …

2020-04-14 APi Group. Skeleton Crew

2020-04-13 Despite the many, many times I have tried this, I can confirm that repeatedly using the wrong …

2020-04-12 Joined the Civilian Mask Corps

2020-04-10 APi Group. Good Friday!

2020-04-09 Culver’s.

2020-04-09 Target.

2020-04-05 I find myself wondering, were I not a Muggle, what would the consequences be of a spell that …

2020-04-05 Feels good to sit in front of a keyboard without having work obligations attached to it.

2020-04-05 Wow! New Thievery Corp album starts strong!

2020-04-03 Kwik Trip. When you buy TP from a gas station

2020-04-03 Imation Corp..

2020-03-31 Target.

2020-03-26 Hy-Vee. No TP. But dinner items…

2020-03-26 Best Buy.

2020-03-24 Target. Paper towels on the shelf but alas, no TP

2020-03-21 Put together an IKEA Hemnes chest of drawers. Only needed these simple tools, six hours, and six …

2020-03-20 Have worked from home for four days out of five this week. Partially because of a new program at my …

2020-03-20 The Paradox of Preparation

2020-03-18 My clinic does not want me to visit the office. I suspect they will ask me to self-quarantine. I get …

2020-03-16 Target.

2020-03-14 Volkswagen of Inver Grove.

2020-03-14 Hy-Vee. Handing out sanitizing wipes at the entrance

2020-03-14 Southview Animal Hospital. Vigilance

2020-03-14 Starbucks. Awake, please

2020-03-13 Target. To make the detectable become audible

2020-03-13 McDonald’s.

2020-03-13 Apple Rosedale Center. Shiny!

2020-03-12 Target.

2020-03-09 Heritage Middle School. Swimming lessons tonight with Sofia

2020-03-09 Target. Needing the coating, soothing, and relieving

2020-03-08 Target. 6’ doesn’t seem like much and 25’ seems much too much.

2020-03-07 As a Celiac, I know better than to eat food from a box without reading the ingredient list. …

2020-03-05 Jimmy John’s.

2020-03-03 Holiday Station Store.

2020-03-02 Target.

2020-03-02 McDonald’s.

2020-03-02 If there’s one thing I have learned to love at work, it’s all the opportunities I have …

2020-02-29 Just watched Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage. Now, of course, I’m listening to more Rush…

2020-02-29 Apple Rosedale Center. You know those unboxing videos where the thing falls onto the floor? Yeah…

2020-02-24 Holiday Store # 368.

2020-02-24 APi Group. Monday has presented a few surmounted hurdles already. What more could be in store?

2020-02-22 Target.

2020-02-22 Apple Rosedale Center.

2020-02-22 Target. Prescriptions and suchlike

2020-02-21 McDonald’s. Low low low carb

2020-02-20 APi Group. Where has the week gone? Today has been complex.

2020-02-17 Deeply grateful for the series of events that helped the human race to discover that menthol stops …

2020-02-16 Holiday Station Store. Gas, oil, air and very cold fingers

2020-02-16 Hy-Vee. Supplies for my tummy

2020-02-16 Holiday Station Store.

2020-02-15 I was unable to beard any longer

2020-02-14 I’m left to wonder, due to the apparent commonality of the circumstance, if all of my shirts …

2020-02-14 The Exchange - Food & Drink. Lunch with my team, welcoming a new member

2020-02-13 APi Group. Strange day wherein one important tool was only partially receptive to my use of it, …

2020-02-13 Pancheros Mexican Grill.

2020-02-12 Target.

2020-02-11 Apple Rosedale Center. Quick trip to get a case for a work phone

2020-02-10 Listening to Thaddeus Russell interview Donald Hoffman, I was deeply struck by the idea that our …

2020-02-08 Kwik Trip.

2020-02-08 Holiday.

2020-02-07 Almost showtime

2020-02-07 Ordway Center for the Performing Arts. Once on this Island

2020-02-07 Culver’s. A night out. Shh. Tell no one

2020-02-06 Party City.

2020-02-06 Imation Corp.. Impact Group

2020-02-04 Wendy’s. Yes, I would like fries with that

2020-02-04 Entira.

2020-02-03 Sports Clips.

2020-02-03 APi Group. Sun is shining. It’s a beautiful day

2020-02-02 Target. Sundry items

2020-02-01 Poring over blood test results this afternoon. I got the raw data and terse summary in today’s …

2020-01-30 Wendy’s. In a pinch…

2020-01-30 Target. New prescription and new supplies

2020-01-30 Catrina’s Cerveza and Grill. Lunch with colleagues and a good partner

2020-01-29 Target.

2020-01-28 My latest gadget. I have work to do.

2020-01-28 Holiday Station Store.

2020-01-28 Entira. Getting a Flu Swab

2020-01-24 Taco John’s.

2020-01-23 IOS Wish List: Make all your devices respect the Silence Unknown Callers toggle. I know cell phones …

2020-01-22 APi Group.

2020-01-22 McDonald’s.

2020-01-21 Culver’s.

2020-01-21 Status: Poppa and Daughter Dinner

2020-01-20 APi Group. Another opportunity to work on a kind of tool I haven’t worked with before. IT work is …

2020-01-18 I’m tired of boot laces breaking. I’ve invested in two sets made by Ironlace. I hope …

2020-01-16 Culver’s.

2020-01-16 Target.


2020-01-16 APi Group. Long day. Have learned, so that must mean it has been worthwhile

2020-01-16 …And, insult to injury, I’ve made a similar mistake, moments later. Evidence suggests I …

2020-01-16 That moment when you realize you are going to have to wait some time for opportunity to return after …

2020-01-15 Five Guys. Sometimes your second choice for lunch is still amazeballs

2020-01-15 Target. Urgent shirt replacement

2020-01-15 AT&T. Because with an eSIM, a factory restore wipes that number. So I need a QR code

2020-01-15 APi Group. Citrix changes make for support calls

2020-01-15 Starbucks. Venti flat white with an extra shot of espresso

2020-01-14 Amstar Gas Station.

2020-01-14 APi Group. Not my most efficient or effective day but lots was done and worked on

2020-01-14 Holiday.

2020-01-13 Starbucks.

2020-01-13 Pancheros Mexican Grill. Because I love Mexican food

2020-01-13 APi Group. Monday traffic after a light snow. By now in the season folks are more measured on the …

2020-01-11 Is Memorial Listening a thing? I think a bunch of old guys like me are thinking about Tom Sawyer, …

2020-01-10 Neil Peart is the best drummer, ever

2020-01-10 #permanentwaves

2020-01-10 APi Group. Last work day but plenty to accomplish

2020-01-09 Culver’s. Because there was a SNAFU with Door Dash. But also, as always, gluten-free buns for …

2020-01-09 Holiday Station Store.

2020-01-09 Green Mill Restaurant & Bar.

2020-01-09 Wendy’s. Quick lunch

2020-01-09 Holiday Inn Blmgtn Arpt South- Mall Area. Fred Pryor seminar today

2020-01-07 Holiday Station Store.

2020-01-06 Starbucks. Coffee is always appropriate

2020-01-06 Garlough Elementary. Rare pickup with Sofia

2020-01-05 Culver’s. I am always grateful for gluten-free options, and I support businesses that make it …

2020-01-04 Kwik Trip.

2020-01-04 Holiday Station Store.

2020-01-04 Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Tron Legacy character Zuse is probably not a …

2020-01-03 The Grid #IGotIn

2020-01-03 Papa Murphy’s. Pizza tonight. And maybe a cider.

2020-01-03 APi Group. Back at work. But not drinking

2020-01-03 Fridley Liquor. I blame Steve. Or adulting…

2020-01-03 Pancheros Mexican Grill. Mexican for lunch. I know everyone is shocked

2020-01-02 I have been using Foursquare (now Swarm) for location check-ins for 10 years, now. I’m not …

2020-01-02 APi Group. Opportunity today to work ahead

2020-01-01 Starting 2020 with extra sleep and lots of coffee. This bodes well. :)

2019-12-31 APi Group. Snow day

2019-12-30 APi Group. Grateful for light traffic and a low support call volume

2019-12-29 Hy-Vee.

2019-12-28 How I Made Twitter Enjoyable Again

2019-12-28 “If there’s anything I’ve learned about politics it’s this: as soon as you conclude the other guys …

2019-12-27 Remember: Mutual Assured Destruction

2019-12-27 Remember: Nuclear Detonations, 1945-1998

2019-12-27 Back to the Cold War again, eh? Russia Becomes First Nation with an Operational Hypersonic Weapon …

2019-12-27 APi Group. Today’s word is authentication. How many times do we authenticate? As many times as it …

2019-12-26 That feeling when I had left the edit window open but forgot what I had intended to write

2019-12-26 Holiday Store # 368.

2019-12-26 APi Group. Slow days are okay


2019-12-24 One last re-watch of The Polar Express before… Mama and Poppa perform elven magic

2019-12-24 Wendy’s.

2019-12-24 Target. One mo’ ‘gain

2019-12-23 Target.

2019-12-23 Fraser Woodbury Clinic. With Sofia

2019-12-22 Today marks the first day I was asked if I was eligible for a Senior Discount

2019-12-22 Culver’s. Mmm… Burger…

2019-12-22 Target. A few more things…

2019-12-20 Acapulco Mexican Restaurant. Support Services team lunch

2019-12-20 APi Group. Last day before a short holiday. I work with some excellent humans. I am grateful and …

2019-12-19 APi Group. When a meeting is cancelled, another grows to take its place

2019-12-18 Holiday Store # 368.

2019-12-18 Apple Rosedale Center. Executive Support

2019-12-17 In music is forgiveness, redemption, and joy

2019-12-17 APi Group. Meetings to prepare for. I have anxiety about that

2019-12-16 Step two completed: lights on the tree. Step three? Snacks

2019-12-16 So, when there is a technology assistant that can really help me save time in categories like …

2019-12-16 Only 10 more years to go, RE my previous post

2019-12-16 APi Group. Coffee is life. I drink to your health

2019-12-16 #Adulting Is Hard

2019-12-15 Maybe now they’ll release the Roxette Box Set

2019-12-14 First meeting with Santa achieved!

2019-12-14 Gertens. In search of 2019’s new tree ornament

2019-12-14 Applebee’s Grill + Bar. Taking a tasty Steak and Shrimp break before we head to Gerten’s

2019-12-14 A conversation with The Man Himself

2019-12-14 Waiting to see Santa. Waiting is hard.

2019-12-14 Fraser Woodbury Clinic. Waiting to see Santa

2019-12-13 APi Group. Team meeting prep.

2019-12-12 APi Group. Snow, snow, snow, but meetings, so here I am

2019-12-11 APi Group. Wednesday morning and all is well

2019-12-11 Starbucks. Hot coffee for a cold (-6 F) morning

2019-12-11 Garlough Elementary. Privilege of seeing my daughter to school

2019-12-11 Holiday Station Store.

2019-12-10 Papa Murphy’s.

2019-12-10 APi Group. Already Tuesday. Lots to do. Situation normal.

2019-12-08 Wells Fargo.

2019-12-08 St. Pascal Baylon Catholic Church and School. Christmas tree for Grams

2019-12-08 I played with a logo generator which worked by combining words, images, fonts and colors in many …

2019-12-08 I Have a Blog, So Now What?

2019-12-07 My first thought was “What is casting that shadow?” Then I realized it was most likely caused by a …

2019-12-07 That feeling when vendors decide how you use the free version of their service is no longer …

2019-12-06 Culver’s. Sofia’s request, tonight

2019-12-06 APi Group. Oh, just wrapping up rework on an old ticket. Lots of time today reporting. Team stats, …

2019-12-06 McDonald’s.

2019-12-05 Chianti Grill. Blackened Ribeye. Welcome dinner for a new colleague.

2019-12-04 #bloodselfie

2019-12-04 APi Group. Planning Meeting was cancelled. Note to self: Get better at planning

2019-12-03 Imation Corp..

2019-12-03 APi Group. The movie Groundhog Day is about this day, today

2019-12-02 APi Group. Time to turn off the podcast and meet my Monday

2019-11-30 Today is Strange Frozen Precipitation Day in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. #mnwx

2019-11-29 Holiday.

2019-11-29 Kwik Trip.

2019-11-28 Happy Thanksgiving, to one and all!

2019-11-27 Holiday Station Store. Because that snowblower doesn’t run or air or sweat. And because I forgot to …

2019-11-27 The strangest thing about snowstorms at night, in populated areas, is the light. Brighter than a …

2019-11-26 The apparent slow death of OwnYourGram might be the inspiration I need to move on.

2019-11-26 I am experimenting with own your swarm. It is remarkable how, looking back, a few words can help …

2019-11-26 Currently

2019-11-26 Hy-Vee Gas.

2019-11-26 Garlough Elementary. Holiday pick-up

2019-11-26 Denny’s. Going to eat emotionally.

2019-11-26 Garlough Elementary. There will be a plan.

2019-11-26 Starbucks. Because adulting requires caffeine

2019-11-25 Garlough Elementary.

2019-11-25 Fraser Woodbury Clinic. Participating in my daughter’s routine this morning

2019-11-24 “Find your good. And do it.” —JBJ

2019-11-23 Tron and the Future

2019-11-22 Culver’s.

2019-11-22 As I work to become more fully alert this morning, I am grateful for coffee.

2019-11-22 APi Group. Team meeting, today. TGIF

2019-11-21 The Exchange - Food & Drink.

2019-11-20 Tim Cook for President?

2019-11-20 APi Group. Work smarter and faster or die trying

2019-11-19 APi Group.

2019-11-19 SuperAmerica.

2019-11-18 APi Group. Monday after maintenance weekend

2019-11-17 Wendy’s. Ordered and paid online, however they do not prepare your order until you arrive. But …

2019-11-16 Starbucks. Peppermint Mochas all around

2019-11-16 I re-watched Johnny Mnemonic, last night, for nostalgic reasons… it is still a bad action film with …

2019-11-16 So much for the long tail? Wanted to buy Staring at the Sea from iTunes, today but it’s not …

2019-11-15 I had always imagined that fatherhood would be instructive. I had no way to know how profound it …

2019-11-15 Checked in at APi Group

2019-11-14 When you realize, after editing a web page, your additions belong on a different web page

2019-11-14 APi Group.

2019-11-12 A small amount of relief comes from TechCrunch: A US federal court finds suspicionless searches of …

2019-11-12 And this from Ars Technica Google: You can trust us with the medical data you didn’t know we already …

2019-11-12 Very scary to me: FBI Asks Congress To Permanently Reauthorize The Phone Record Collection The NSA …

2019-11-11 Our human climate-control sensibilities are so weird. During the cooling season, though I tend to …

2019-11-09 The Death of the Rude Press

2019-11-04 New haircut. New glasses. And the cutest photo bomber in the world.

2019-10-31 I am grateful for magic. Happy Halloween!

2019-10-30 Sommer, Ann, Sofia—Three generations

2019-10-06 Enjoying the new Lamb album, very much

2019-10-02 Dear political advertisers, I believe none of you. Please stop. Sincerely, A Voter

2019-09-28 Beautiful day for a walk. Lovely to find the wild peaking out in between the manicured spaces.

2019-09-28 Status: listening to Elizabeth Fraser while enjoying coffee and reading alternate takes on history …

2019-09-28 A favorite way for me to learn more about artists, more deeply, is via the passions of friends

2019-09-28 A cool thing on Apple Music is that you can subscribe to playlists from individuals in addition to …

2019-09-28 If you do the Apple Music thing, I share playlists there as “Hjalm”

2019-09-28 There is more beautiful music than will ever be played on the radio, more than I will ever hear

2019-09-21 Have paid notice to this word. Heard it a lot in a single podcast recently. Notice how and when you …

2019-09-16 Preparing her projectile launcher #dinnerdate #culvers #waiting

2019-09-13 My favorite Eddie Money song was Think I’m in Love from his 1982 album No Control

2019-09-11 I told a colleague, yesterday, that change will never again be as slow as it is today. And that …

2019-09-11 That feeling when trying to recall my new passphrase (that I have already used dozens of times per …

2019-09-02 “It is expected that work of all kinds will be generally suspended, and that the wage workers of the …

2019-08-28 Ear Worm of the Moment: Scott Joplin’s The Entertainer As performed for the soundtrack of The …

2019-08-21 One bar of reception is a lie

2019-08-15 My brain and I have a difficult relationship

2019-08-06 Breakfast

2019-08-04 I mention culture because I fear the contribution I can make as an individual isn’t enough. …

2019-08-04 Watching Sunday Morning on Sunday Morning. There’s a segment on the 50th Anniversary of …

2019-08-01 With cucumber and habañero

2019-07-21 I feel dumb. It took me too long to locate the song-rating functionality in the iOS 13 beta. I had …

2019-07-19 Heat lightning. Storm in video is between Northfield and Redwing, Minnesota. Visible from Conway …

2019-07-14 It would make sense that the LEGO kits were for someone else, but they are mine and I really …

2019-07-14 Hogwarts Clock Tower, Grand Finale. Including Yule Ball

2019-07-14 Hogwarts Clock Tower, including clock face and dormitory

2019-07-14 Hogwarts Clock Tower, phase four. Including Professor Moody’s office

2019-07-14 Hogwarts Clock Tower phase three. I did not expect the Tri-Wizard Cup, nor the chest containing the …

2019-07-14 Hogwarts Clock Tower phase two including bath and Dumbledore’s office

2019-07-14 Building the Hogwarts Clock Tower kit

2019-07-07 Assembly complete, including concessions (note chocolate frog) and dementor.

2019-07-07 My daughter Sofia asked me if I have ever been to Hogwarts. Though I considered several responses, I …

2019-07-07 Build now including coal tender and Hermione

2019-07-07 Hogwarts Express engine

2019-07-07 TIL: I need a work light and a magnifying glass. For LEGO

2019-07-07 Kings Cross station as imagined by LEGO. Including Harry, Ron, Scabbers (the rat), and Professor …

2019-06-29 Lake Phalen, Saint Paul, MN Water Lantern Festival


2019-06-26 One of my musical happy places is Eyes of the World by the Grateful Dead. My favorite recorded …

2019-06-12 It’s also fun that I reset my Keychain recently because of issues. So, in doing a multi-factor …

2019-06-12 In this era of complex passwords, it routinely takes me 4 or 5 attempts to correctly authenticate …

2019-06-10 The more I think about writing, the more difficult the act itself seems to become.

2019-06-07 #bellmuseum


2019-06-05 What temperature are tamales traditionally cooked to? Because the tamales we have delivered are …

2019-06-04 I’m not a man of means, but I can do this.

2019-06-03 “He’s going to try to get this working…” No, he isn’t going to try anything. He is going …

2019-05-27 Applying Combo Update for good measure after finally getting into the user profile. “About 10 …

2019-05-27 I feel a little like I’m crazy or out of step with macOS troubleshooting because I have been working …

2019-05-20 America has chosen several versions of the same thing. #TheVoice


2019-05-17 Slashdot: Your Internet Data is Rotting

2019-05-14 All Yours by Submotion Orchestra I. Cannot. Get. Enough.

2019-05-12 The True Cause of Dread and Anxiety Like a laser, when I least expected it.

2019-05-11 Sometimes, the tankard of coffee is what you need.

2019-04-29 Fun to learn a bigger story: Did Ellis Island Really Change People’s Names? /Vintage News

2019-04-27 When the Sun Hits A music blog with the tagline: Your resource for all things shoegaze and dream pop

2019-04-20 The neighbors are setting off Easter fireworks. So we have that going for us…

2019-04-20 Starting the season with new wheels!

2019-04-19 B-52s — Strobe Light

2019-04-11 It has been a long time, Florida. Thanks for being kind.

2019-04-11 That feeling when you read something that feels like it was written with you in mind: Wally Bock on …

2019-04-11 Status. #HDIConf #RobertVanWinkle

2019-04-09 Status: Neither here nor there

2019-03-29 Science Museum of Minnesota

2019-03-25 If you think of Apple as a company that makes computers and software, today’s keynote is confusing. …

2019-03-25 Special treat today: watching an Apple Keynote live

2019-03-22 Haikus came up in Conversation, so I smiled. I miss making art.

2019-03-14 A mantra, for when you need it

2019-03-12 It was a treat tonight driving home in rain, in temperatures above freezing, in day light. I’m ready …

2019-03-12 That feeling when you go to the break room, there’s nobody to wait for, the coffee carafe is …

2019-03-11 Possibly my favorite snack in the whole world.

2019-03-09 Playing in the snow

2019-03-09 Photo Challenge: Day 1 of 7 Groceries are laid in. Let the snow begin.


2019-03-04 Thinking about cleaning my desk

2019-03-02 Yesterday I listened to the majority of a Joe Rogan podcast featuring David Lee Roth. Naturally …

2019-03-01 I would like to “thank" a colleague at work for the Baby Shark refrain that has become an ear …

2019-02-28 I was just in a meeting where a technology failure helped the participants to dig into …

2019-02-24 Fragility Base

2019-02-12 That thing where you pre-order a book and forget about it until it arrives at your door…

2019-02-11 It’s the nature of being human, I suppose? Friday I felt more peace, gratitude and joy than I …

2019-02-09 Mama’s researching kombucha. Poppa’s listening to music. Sofia’s playing fetch with Gram’s dog …

2019-02-09 Obligatory #selfie #filmbornapp

2019-02-08 Grateful for A car that starts A car that’s warm inside A new route to work Bright morning …

2019-02-03 It’s fun to live in the future. I added a page to my blog and filled it full of thoughts from …

2019-01-30 Rhone said it better than I was going to: “Today will birth legends” If you are Minnesotan, you will …

2019-01-29 Those days when it’s so cold it hurts to hold the steering wheel… hoping you’re all staying safe and …

2019-01-26 Installed iTunes on my Kindle. Am tending now toward Apple-ification…

2019-01-22 Lumiere Brothers footage of Paris, late 19th century

2019-01-20 My favored team was bested in the sportsball match this evening.

2019-01-18 Tried a poke bowl for the first time tonight. I loved it. Would absolutely recommend it.

2019-01-17 I wish I was half the typist my fingers would have me believe! #thispostmaybetypofree …

2019-01-14 Again I must record that I have not learned to write music, so I cannot share what I hear. Must fix. …

2019-01-10 Three Things Left at Home

2019-01-10 Blog idea: The Continuing Saga of Items I Have Left at Home

2019-01-01 I hope that 2019 brings lots of opportunities for positive change in your life. Happy New Year!

2018-12-25 The Good Earth It’s the 50th anniversary of the Earthrise photograph, and the shift in …

2018-12-25 I don’t have an ugly Christmas sweater, but I did find this hat… @chrisgzuger

2018-12-25 Makes me feel like a kid!

2018-12-25 Merry Christmas, from Saint Paul, Minnesota!

2018-12-25 A Little Magic

2018-12-25 Elving complete for one more year. Next year I’m sure we’ll need to up our game to keep …

2018-12-24 Sunset marks the start of the first day of Christmas.

2018-12-24 Many preparations made. Many to go. Here’s to plans going as expected, and to making Merry and …

2018-12-22 Leveraging Joy is a thought provoking post by my friend Paulio. It dovetails with thoughts I have …

2018-12-22 My mom always used to sing “Over the River and Through the Woods” when we drove to her mother’s home …

2018-12-21 How Father Christmas Does It

2018-12-20 Hmm… Parallels Acquired by Corel I’ve been recommending Parallels for about 10 years by …

2018-12-20 Rebel Yell remixed by Crystal Method

2018-12-18 Progress on Personal Planning Tools

2018-12-15 I’ve been thinking a lot about supporting technology. In my career, my tendency to experiment …



2018-12-14 Playing with the #tintypeapp

2018-12-11 Mmm. Fruit juice and fruit snacks!

2018-12-11 #bloodselfie

2018-12-10 I should have watched The Voice

2018-12-09 Found a bunch of review-later web links that clearly pre-date my use of Evernote and Instapaper. …

2018-12-09 I'm Not Carrying Two Phones Anymore

2018-12-04 201812041943

2018-12-03 Sweet, Merciful Pain-Reliever

2018-11-26 That feeling when you checked the ingredients of everything you ate for gluten, but your body tells …

2018-11-25 I’m a new fan of the Headspace playlist on Apple Music

2018-11-24 First time listening to vinyl in these many long years. Bought the turntable a long time ago. …

2018-11-22 Food Coma in three… two… one…

2018-11-20 Just got the majority of my Thanksgiving provisions purchased. Be kind, everyone. Be patient and …

2018-11-17 “But sometimes what the suicidal person needs is for the therapist to join them in the darkness and …

2018-11-15 On Assumptions

2018-11-15 Choices, and Choosing


2018-11-03 I’ve been doing a lot of internal work lately, reflecting on things I’d like to change …

2018-10-10 A little trash talk from a favorite vendor

2018-09-23 Going to learn about how an iPhone and a Kindle Fire work with an external keyboard.

2018-09-22 When you find an accidental selfie in your photo roll

2018-09-19 Sending good thoughts forward and hoping for the best good. It’s a privilege to be in a position to …

2018-08-31 First exercise set is to get the equipment in place. Test pilot Sofia confirms all systems …

2018-08-26 Summer Sunday Back-to-School Project



2018-08-11 Who doesn’t want the chance to drive a fire engine?


2018-08-11 L’après-midi à l’hôtel

2018-08-07 Test Post


2018-08-01 Daim is one of my favorite things, ever.


2018-07-14 So happy I found this! It’s a magazine logo from another era… #Mondo2000 #wereapiratemindstation …


2018-06-23 Kicking off Summer in St Paul

2018-06-01 “Odin will not save you but he will give you inspiration and courage to save yourself…” I don’t …

2018-05-31 My first! I’m excited! #unimitsubishipencil #kurutoga

2018-05-23 In the business parlance of our times, I have some “deltas” or “do-betters”


2018-05-12 Brand new journal #leuchtturm1917 #startatthebeginning

2018-05-12 Current Status

2018-05-06 Learning more every day

2018-04-25 Oh look, it it’s finally at the log in screen. But, wait, no! No it is not …

2018-04-14 Currently #mnwx #blizzardwarning #ramseycounty #snow

2018-04-14 It’s not #snowmagedon, but we planned ahead with provisions and are cocooning this weekend. #mnwx

2018-04-09 Morning cuppa. Thank you, @joelgroethe #apisupply #apisupplylifts

2018-04-03 Springtime. More than eight inches of snow today, because Minnesota. #mnwx #stpaul #bearded …

2016-06-30 Detonations

2016-06-24 I Get the News I Need from the Weather Report

2016-04-24 Sense of Loss

2016-02-05 Music Is a Time Machine

2013-11-04 Pink Moon

2013-05-27 Kim and Jessie

2013-01-11 AutoRip, My Purchase History, I Can't Remember All of It, And I Don't Know Enough

2012-10-18 When All the Music I Love Is, Basically, a Database

2012-10-08 There Is No Bad Music, An Introduction