MSP Home Tour coverage on CBS, yesterday.

We have a green kitchen.

I overheard this snippet at my house, this morning: “…Producers bid on the segments…”

There was a camera in my house today in support of the MSP Home Tour. We’re house #4. If we make it on air, I’ll share a link to the final piece.

How does your team onboard new members? Who shows them what applications are used and how? Who shows them where the data is and verifies they have access? Who helps them to meet team members of other teams? Who makes sure the new managers have all of the information they need?

Asking for a friend

And sometimes I pick the wrong distro. Back to familiar turf, for now

Trying a Linux distribution I’ve not tried before, and an email client I haven’t used for decades. I’m not interested in suggestions in the Start Menu nor AI features. I get plenty of Microsoft via my employer. I’m interested in AI but I’m not convinced I need it

TIL that one’s custom email address isn’t exactly how one retrieves iCloud email. That single detail could have saved significant pain before today, but I got in. So I have that.

This love of the written word extends to my media consumption. I rarely choose video. The amount of time that passes in introductions or reviews before the actual presentation of new information is excrutiating. Can I just see a transcript?

To be honest, I feel that written communication allows me to show my best self in a way that eludes me in the moment.

I do prefer the written word. There is something about seeing my thoughts that lends itself to me better understanding my own reactions and circumstances.

Emotions prevent me from reaching out. Guilt about how long I have not communicated also keeps me from connecting. If there’s any form of conflict, it’s going to take me time build the energy to address it. If time passes, guilt is part of the emotional cocktail. And so on.