

As a person who grew up in the midwest, I didn’t know I loved cornbread stuffing so much.


I just watched the first 5 episodes of Wednesday. Would recommend!


For a few days I was really worried I was going to need to create another account. But I just learned I can follow ActivityPub right here.


Sorta wondering if ActivityPub will be the thing that finally makes syndication take off. I’ve loved RSS ever since I understood what it was, but the whole following an ID might make it easier for some to understand.

Interesting times.


Feedle: a search is an RSS feed.

Looking forward to discovering new sources!


I don’t know what to do about social media. I’ve ghosted Facebook. I’m about to do the same to Twitter.

I don’t know anything about Mastodon, yet.

I’m ruminating a lot.


Temps dropping to 17F tonight. It’s cold enough for now. In January and February when the rises up to 17F, we’re going to be relieved.



The story of moving out of our home to make way for a remodel starts and ends thusly: We were not prepared.


House was born in 1947. Not zero risk of lead-based paint.

Demo for renovation starting soon.


This just in: King size matresses resist. They do not want to be moved.


Minnesota, where we love to bitch about the weather and double or triple commute times. And, we chuckle at recent transplants who haven’t been through a full season, yet. Oh, and we are getting 3-5 inches today, and then the possibility of snow over the next three days.


“…I don’t wanna belong to the… to any of it. I just wanna be…”

—Iggy Pop sampled in Crystal Method’s Post Punk

I still maintain it’s difficult not to put a little swagger into your step when Crystal Method is stimulating your auditory nerves.


Found my first-Gen AirPods Pro in an easy chair that I sit in daily. Reported them lost in the Find My app. My phone was often within 2 or 3 feet of where I found them. Found them when looking in the chair for my phone. Possibly the metal chair mechanism blocked signal?


Notification Fatigue:

I read the message on my watch. I clear the notice on my iPhone screen, then I launch the Messages app to clear the notification on the app icon.

In Apple’s house, using apps and hardware they themselves designed, I expect that to be a cleaner experience.


I voted my conscience. I choose to see voting as my responsibility, and I am grateful I live in a place where we can respectfully and privately add our input.


Is This Our Last Daylight Saving Time Change?

Yeah: No.

I still support ending the madness. Pick one and make it stick.



“There really is nothing better than a well-made latté” he said, finishing his second of the day.

Come From or Running From?


I have long been aware that the place in the world where I call home and feel at home is very distant from any salt water. Orient yourself in any compass direction, and despite the abundance of freshwater, I’m quite distant from ocean by any measure.

This week at work, I was introduced to the idea of a Land Acknowledgement. My home and my place of work are on land where other peoples were displaced through trickery and with force.

My last name is a place name, from a tiny hamlet in what is currently Poland. Land that was once called German, and Pomeranian Prussian, and I don’t yet know what before that. My armchair etymology suggests the name means “From the place” or something simpler.

Three or four generations back, my relatives come from places now called England, Sweden, Germany, or Russia

We came by steam ship and steam train, mostly in the early twentieth century, to the middle of the North American continent. To places freshly delineated as Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and South Dakota.

If doing all of that work to get all of the way away from where-I’m-from was worthwhile, then I have to ask, what was it about where-I’m-from the was so undesirable? How were the fortunes spent on transport seen to be a good plan? It’s not like we got to Boston or New York City and thought that was far enough.

The how part of how I am here is kind of easy to answer. The why, though? That might lead to some hard and possibly triggering conversations.

I am neurodivergent. I think that is an answer, in a way. Because it’s not by random chance. But, ultimately, the idea that anyone can go somewhere else to be more free to be who they are is, ultimately, deeply naive.

If I am not free to be me, where I am, nor are you free to be you where you are, then the problem isn’t geography.


Land Acknowledgement

For me, today, I reside in land formerly of Očhéthi Šakówiŋ and Wahpekute ranges, and close to earthworks.

I am going to learn more.


We Need Critical ADHD Studies Now

“Because the more you think the problem is in your brain, the less you’ll want to change the structures that hold you in place.”


I learn more watching a single episode of The Great British Baking Show than in most other things I see. (Where “Bake-Off” is a trademark owned by Pillsbury, it is called The Great British Baking Show)


That feeling when, as an IT professional, I flunked a phishing test.


We are slowly making permanent changes to our home, culminating in a big bang in coming months. I felt bad today, cutting out some yew from the front of our house to make it easier to re-side later. Most likely the yew were planted by the first family that lived in the home, not long after it was built. One of the branches had 46 growth rings.


This morning an industrial track hit just right as I pulled into the parking lot at work. I turned it up so the baseline and that staccato kick drum made my car shake. And I finished my coffee.


Random speculation for Apple Fans: I doubt Apple is going to release an iPad dock if they aren’t also introducing inductive charging. Using the same charging method as the Magic Keyboad case, it would have to allow for (or be) multiple sizes—not something I expect from Apple.