

Just set up Logitech Flow to share a bluetooth keyboard and mouse between a MacBook and a SurfaceBook. This is an exciting development for my home office, and working from home.


It’s a paid feature, but Inoreader can turn public Telegram channels into feeds you can follow.


Tip of the hat to #Ravenclaw for the win tonight. We shall meet again!



My house is competing tonight. #TournamentofHouses #Slytherin


This was a great night for #Hufflepuff



First questions were super-easy. Dueling Club questions got hard. This is good! #TournamentofHouses #Slytherin


Super impressed with the attention to detail in #TournamentofHouses. Lovely Easter Eggs


I had thought Olympe Maxime was a giant, but confirmed through references that she indeed is a half-giant.



Had to look up the gifts in 12 Days of Christmas. I had a solid 9 out of 12, but several in the wrong places.

It’s after Thanksgiving so it’s okay.


Speaking of newsletters on Sunday, Explorator News is wonderful. It is self-described as archeological news of the week. It’s a collection of links to articles organized by topic, includes diverse sources, and is itself free of advertising.


Inoreader has a special for the next few days: 18 months of Pro for the price of 12.

I just renewed, carrying me into 2024. I must have done something similar last year?


Was just introduced to the ideas of Ken Wilbur’s Integral Theory via the SLOWW Sunday newsletter.

There’s a lot to unpack, here.


Long ago, when I was a boy, in the summertime my grandmother used to put brewed coffee in the refridgerator for my grandfather. He would then enjoy it as an iced beverage in the heat of the day.

This memory surfaced as I poured out a giant glass of cold brew for myself, this morning.


So I’m finding that I can only “rate” iTunes music on MacOS at the moment. Does anyone else use this functionality? Am I missing anything?


If you celebrate Thanksgiving in the USA, I hope yours was a good one.

My wife and I hosted, inviting others to join us at our home. Everything came together in a way that was greater than the sum of its parts. I’m grateful to have a home to share, and surplus to share within.


It don’t know if it’s a ritual, but maybe it should be. That first sip of coffee in the morning is absolutely the best


Adele Got Spotify to Remove the Shuffle Button from Album Pages

I personally have no problem with this.

I know people just want to hear specific songs, but I have always felt an album was a statement and was meant to be consumed as a whole unit.

Evidence of this from the CD era is Prince’s Lovesexy album. It was released with all of the songs on a single track. If you wanted to get to a specific place, you needed to fast-forward or rewind much like with older analog mediums.

Long story short, I support this action.

If you want to hear only specific songs in a specific order, as a consumer you absolutely have that power in your ability to build your own playlists.


At the end of the day, when my watch celebrates that I have stood on my feet at least 12 times, I feel like the bar is not set very high


It’s Complicated

A playlist I’m developing. Track order needs sorting. Linking or uniting the tracks is what I would call a rhythmic complexity, even if the time signatures aren’t unusual. If you get lost, the beat will bring you back. You’ll need a tolerance for ‘90’s and 2000’s Electronica, but other genres are included.

There are some low notes. I recommend over-the-ear cans or a place you can feel the noise.

Apologies to Gaping Void for the theft of his artwork. Art on the back of business cards was a thing when I needed it.


This morning I did find the keys that I was increasingly concerned were gone for good. They were in the correct pocket of the wrong pants.

There’s an AirTag on the keychain now. It will help, though I’m sure I will be able to invent cases where the tag won’t help.



Atlas Obscura is wonderful.

How Scholars Cracked a Medieval Alchemist’s Secret Code


When you misplace your keys really well for the second time in a week and buy Apple AirTags with a simultaneous sense of shame and gratitude



When you work in the same building for nine years but consistently walk to the wrong place to take the elevator



That feeling of relief when you did the right research, bought the correct replacement part, and your PC reboots just as if you knew what you were doing


I imagined at some point my daughter might enjoy gaming. That day has arrived and I’m learning about Minecraft. Just now learning to take care of villagers and keep the zombies out. And I love building.