

When you spend time reading well-researched writing on pensieves.

It’s a fascinating idea to explore with respect to note-taking, journaling, and capturing knowledge.

It’s a literary device, but our various technologies could give us those magical powers one day.

  1. Pensieve - Harry Potter Lexicon
  2. Memory Extraction Spell - Harry Potter Wiki
  3. Thoughts on the Pensieve -

Me and Louie


Did a preliminary scan of the steps involved in transferring my vanity email to iCloud. I was very pleased to see Sender Policy Framework and DomainKeys Identified Mail as part of the setup. I have that currently with Google and was afraid of losing that when I moved away.


Note to Self: Tame Impala Radio on Spotify as played at Noosa Beach Grill, Nag’s Head, North Carolina


Good morning from the Outer Banks!


Today’s travel: Norfolk > Portsmouth (Churchland and Port Norfolk) > Kill Devil Hills

We are no longer on the mainland


Yesterday’s travel: Littleton, NC > Roanoke Rapids, NC > White Oak, NC > Norfolk, VA

Promises kept.


Scrapple with breakfast. Cheer wine with dinner.

We are not in Minnesota.


“East bound and down, loaded up and truckin”

Many destinations in the next while.


There is an R40 Cinema Strangiato thing happening on Sept 9. Anyone want to go with me?

Celebrating 40-year anniversary of the release of Moving Pictures.


We had to let it go.

We had put in a bid on a home of a scale and from a time that I have long appreciated. We did due diligence on the house and property and learned more about regional history, architectural styles, and what it takes to be more than a homeowner, but also a caretaker or conservator.

Making the leap would have been exciting in all the right ways, save one: it would have tapped all of our resources and left little for the future. Despite all of the modernization we could have hoped for and a house in extraordinary condition, we would have needed half again the purchase price for remediation of issues on the property.

This leaves me grateful that I could have even considered the change. I am glad for what I learned. In the end I still own a lovely home in which I will continue to invest.


Coffee and morning naps and breakfast sandwiches and house TV shows and brainstorming ideas is about the best kind of Saturday I can think of


Does anyone else experience time travel via music? I Listen to First Wave on Sirius XM and have heard Two Tribes several times, recently. It’s striking how the targets of existential fear shift from age to age.


Found my bike helmet. It’s about twenty years old, by now, but never suffered an impact. Working on getting back in the saddle.


Yesterday our family learned the hard way that security cameras don’t see everything. And my daughter learned people are brazen and will take.


“…We have become the data we were supposed to be stealing or subverting.”

Cyberpunk, Anti-Politics, and Postmodern Despair

I am Gen X. I was a Mondo 2000 reader.


Pleasantly surprised today. My watch let me know my phone was in the car when I walked into my work building this afternoon. Not in so many words, but the obvious conclusion as I was heading to my desk and the alert popped up. As an ADHD’er, I approve of this feature!


We will see how pushy Evernote is on the new subscription prices… I have been contributing $5/month since at least 2010 for Premium. New price point for Personal is $7. Maybe I switch wholesale to iOS notes, now, with the feature set they have expanded to there is enough of an overlap to be effective


I have a new vice: Spicy Japanese Peanuts from Picosita Candy

They are covered in Tajin


16 hours without power. Grateful for the workers who improved local infrastructure to bring it back. Super grateful for AC again!


TIL: WatchOS 8 will allow reactions in Messages


Coffee: For the win


iPad Air: being able to use the pencil on-screen feels better than hunting and pecking. But in Notes, I wish we had dot-grid in addition to quadrille ruled.


Apple Watch: speaking replies to messages is my new jam. Having the option to leave my phone in my pocket keeps growing on me. This after making significant reductions in the types of notifications I will allow there.


Answered some questions I didn’t know I had:

Can I Shed a Virus After I Get A Vaccine?