

The forgotten director who gave us The Force, inspired 2001, and changed film

@ Ars Technica


Hot coffee and cookies on a cool morning


One of these things is not like the other


I’m old because I remember MTV playing music video always, and I’m up early enough to watch AMTV


Unspoken Role of Technical Support: Absorb and correct for damage created by other companies

Example: large ticket volume this week created by issues stemming from a large operating system vendor’s critical updates. Some laptops are becoming unbootable and some folks are getting bluescreens simply from printing. This is all fixable, but fixes take time. None of this is a result of any decision made by anyone employed by my company.


This makes me very sad:

The Case Against Year-Round Daylight Savings Time: We Tried It Before

I was a child, then. I have no recollection of this.


There. I didn’t have to say it:

Sex Addiction Is Not a Thing

Also? I don’t think that word (addiction) means what you think it means. It’s not carte blanche. You are responsible for your own actions.

Also? The “addiction” is not the thing. Dig deeper.


TIL Curved screens are fragile.



You do you, Elon.

I’m just gonna enjoy some popcorn.


My Semi-Annual Plea: Please stop the madness with the clock shifting. Pick one and run with it.


The coffee isn’t working today.


The memorial section of the Grammys is slaying me.


So there’s a music project called Lost Horizons—that I didn’t know about 30 minutes ago—that features former Cocteau Twin Simon Raymonde and Richard Thomas who has drummed with Dif Jus and Jesus and Mary Chain. Their In Quiet Moments album includes a track called Every Beat that Passed which is the most Cocteau-Twins-like music I have heard since… Cocteau Twins. This project is no attempt to return to that sound, but that track is spectacular. The tracks I have heard from the same album have a Saint Etienne vibe, in that the tracks recall the 60s and 70s.


I am very pleasantly surprised with the most current release of the iOS Bullet Journal application. It is in no way designed to take the place of your paper journal. But allows you to photo your pages and assign them to a calendar day and page number inside of a journal. Another nice feature is the ability to assign a page to a Collection.

Most importantly, it backs up to the iOS Files application. I can use my iCloud Drive to store the backup file. No new account is required. No new subscription is needed.

The application fully supports the Bullet Journal methodology, but gives you a way to review your notes even if you are away from the physical copy.

Lastly, in a pinch, there is an ephemeral 72-hour Log for Tasks, Notes and Events. This provides a way to continue to capture until you can return to your paper Journal.



Sometimes the wave hits you
Sometimes you’re under the wave
Sometimes you’re in the wave
Sometimes you ride the wave
Sometimes you are the wave


Yesterday morning on the way to work, Led Zepplin’s Tea for One cycled into my playlist and fit my mood wonderfully. I now have the urge to make a new playlist.


New model of Antikythera mechanism solves front gearing system puzzle

A few more specifics, still many assumptions.

History is neither simple nor linear.


How to Tell Which Emails Quietly Track You

:: sigh ::


Today I learned about xkpasswd, a password generator inspired by the xkcd comic.

The internet is brilliant when you look for the helpers.


Picked up the new Echodrone album Resurgence this morning. Their name describes elements I love from the shoegaze sound. Possibly a signature for them are the vocal harmonies that harken back to groups like The Byrds, or Ride, but of course nothing like either.


Dare Mighty Things



Dishwasher replaced today. So grateful, I’m running my third load.

This probably opens me up to jokes. So be it.


The rate at which I am losing elders in my family is alarming. I’ve made it into my fifties before feeling that way, for which I count myself fortunate. But I’m getting closer to the front of the line and it is sobering.