

One of my favorite photos, from June 2010.



Is it just me with the disappointment that now even our TV screens must be rebooted?


Rainbow and thunder


I change my theme frequently. I’d like to thank @roelwillems for the quick tip on the CSS to change the link color for the Marfa theme.


Apple Music has generated a radio station based on my preferences. It is eerie to have me fed back to me, but also it’s on point.


Just was emailed directly about the Cyph service. Does anyone have experience with it? It was proposed to me as an alternative to Keybase, which is now under new ownership.


Today, I learned that evapotranspiration, also called Corn Sweat (in the parlance of our times), is capable of influencing humidity over large areas. Ex: the Corn Belt


Sobering statistic:

The rate of death from COVID-19 for people with Type 2 Diabetes is 12 times higher than in the general population.

I have Type 2 Diabetes.

At a minimum I am at a significantly higher risk for Severe Illness.

I wear mask and I am grateful when you do, too.


First sticker! #microblog #thankyou


Music is such a strange, personal journey. In my twenties I really didn’t think I could get enough fast, noisy techno. Today I’m seeking out shoegaze and dream pop at about half of the tempo. But still loud. Still has to be loud enough to feel.


The universal plea of the person with more than one device talking to the same service: Can’t notifications go away over here when I acknowledged them over there?


It’s looking to me (after a cursory seach) like there is not current agreement on HTML anchors via Markdown.



Missing Persons - Spring Session M


You Want a Confederate Monument?


File Under “Things I Wish I Had Thought of, Sooner”:

Deadpan Existential Jokes

Would work great as a blog name or profile description





I did not know, or I forgot, that the Newton was powered by an ARM processor


DISC assessment at work, today. The difference between my perception of myself and the perception others have of me is instructive and astonishing at once.

I’m a C when I’m in novel situations or under stress. I’m an I when I’m confortable and in my element.


Dave Chappelle: 8:46


That feeling when I’m searching iTunes and my music collection for an album that I know I own. Except I don’t. I did have the artist right, and I was close to the correct year of release, but 100 percent wrong on the album cover art.


Dear Coffee,

I am just writing to let you know how much I appreciate all that you do for me.

In gratitude,



I just learned you can get the Apple TV aerial screensavers on your Mac.


Still in Hollywood



It’s a privilege to learn about racism rather than to experience it.


I cannot say they made no attempt to notify me. #StaySafeMN