

It was a treat tonight driving home in rain, in temperatures above freezing, in day light. I’m ready for longer days and Summer temperatures.


That feeling when you go to the break room, there’s nobody to wait for, the coffee carafe is full, and you make no spills


Possibly my favorite snack in the whole world.


Playing in the snow


Photo Challenge: Day 1 of 7

Groceries are laid in. Let the snow begin.



Thinking about cleaning my desk


Yesterday I listened to the majority of a Joe Rogan podcast featuring David Lee Roth. Naturally today I’m listening to Van Halen from an specific era.


I would like to “thank" a colleague at work for the Baby Shark refrain that has become an ear worm, today.


I was just in a meeting where a technology failure helped the participants to dig into non-technology processes and fix something that was broken. It was fun to have synergy happen. Opinions were shared. Options were discussed. Decisions were made.

Fragility Base


I watched two movies about the Apollo Space Program this weekend.

The experience is very complex for me, emotionally. The experience of writing this post is an attempt to define what it means.

I had read recently about a film that was making its way through festivals and Friday I tried to figure out what it was called. But I might be wrong about its provenance. And while I couldn’t remember a title or find what I thought I was looking for, I did find some documentaries available online which seemed to cover similar ground.

The first documentary is called For All Mankind. It was released in 1989, several years after the Challenger disaster.

It was about all of the lunar missions, though the footage and narration was respective to the individual missions.

I found myself full of the same wonder today as I have always had.

In my lifetime, there has always been a space program. For a while, while I was younger, I believed there would be an opportunity for me to at least get to orbit. After all, at Christmastime in my first year of life, we orbited the moon. And not long after that, mission after mission got us to the surface of the moon itself.

When the Shuttle program was announced, I felt it was a natural progression. Of course we were going to have space planes. Of course we were going to find ways to make space travel easier and less expensive.

I remember well in my senior year of high school when Challenger failed. I felt disbelief and horror. My Chemistry teacher had submitted ideas for experiments to be carried aloft on that flight. One of my classmates figured out early on that an easy way to derail his lectures was to ask about the space program and his chances. I loved it. My chemistry teacher did, too.

I checked out books from the school library full of illustrations and speculations about what space craft might look like. What would space stations be used for? Would we build colonies in space? Could we survive on other planets?

It seemed, once, like there might have been an imperative. So many books and TV series and movies that I consumed pointed up to the sky and out of the solar system. 2001: A Space Odyssey, Six-Million Dollar Man, Star Trek, Space 1999, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Star Wars, Cosmos, Alien, Cosmos, even Blade Runner, all showed me this was not only possible but normal.

And so, the footage re-assembled in For All Mankind returned the feeling of wonder and the sense of the imperative to me. And I have missed that. As much as the movie is about the missions, it also is a fun window into a brief time and place.

The second film I found is In the Shadow of the Moon. This is a much different film. While it is about the same events in the Apollo missions, the context and the subject is the recollection of the experience by many of the surviving astronauts. How they felt about their roles and what they remembered about their thoughts as events transpired.

I learned that the astronauts themselves were involved in the design of the craft they flew. I learned that astronauts were on the ground working as part of mission control as the missions were in progress.

And I learned the astronauts were taken by the perception of people around the world that we all were a part of the missions, that the success of the missions belongs to all of humanity. They have been greeted for the rest of their lives not with “You did it!” but rather with “We did it!”

I was profoundly struck by the final few minutes when clearly the astronauts were asked how they were affected, and how their perspective has changed. I found it deeply moving and I don’t want to spoil it for anyone considering watching it.

I’d definitely re-watch either film. For me it was very bittersweet. I hope someday we can stop poking at each other for sport. I hope someday we can take stock of the amazing gifts we have and consider the what we can leave behind for those generations we will never know.


The movie I had read about is called Apollo 11. It’s going to be released first in IMAX, then in traditional theatres shortly thereafter.


That thing where you pre-order a book and forget about it until it arrives at your door…


It’s the nature of being human, I suppose?

Friday I felt more peace, gratitude and joy than I am today. I’m looking hard to find the places to be grateful through the angst and anxiety.

I wish you a good day. I am going to work hard at making you know I’m glad to be here. too.


Mama’s researching kombucha. Poppa’s listening to music. Sofia’s playing fetch with Gram’s dog Louie.


Obligatory #selfie #filmbornapp


Grateful for


It’s fun to live in the future. I added a page to my blog and filled it full of thoughts from my head with a device small enough to fit in my hand–and with no cabling. It still feels like magic, even speaking as an old techy.


Rhone said it better than I was going to:

Today will birth legends

If you are Minnesotan, you will nod knowingly.



Those days when it’s so cold it hurts to hold the steering wheel… hoping you’re all staying safe and comfortable


Installed iTunes on my Kindle. Am tending now toward Apple-ification…


Lumiere Brothers footage of Paris, late 19th century


My favored team was bested in the sportsball match this evening.


Tried a poke bowl for the first time tonight. I loved it. Would absolutely recommend it.


I wish I was half the typist my fingers would have me believe! #thispostmaybetypofree #iwillprobablyfindsomethethingwrongwithitonceitslive


Again I must record that I have not learned to write music, so I cannot share what I hear. Must fix. Must fix.