
I'm Not Carrying Two Phones Anymore


I have carried multiple communication devices several times in my career, including for the past 5 years at my current employer. My rationalization initially was to separate support calls from my personal life. A second benefit was to use a second carrier on different spectrum to ensure strong signal.

Logistically, that’s two devices on my person. Two Apple IDs. Two places for notifications to acknowledge. Two calendars. Two devices to update and to charge every day. More stuff to pack when I travel.

I’m not two people. I understand now that the extra effort is a distraction from more importal goals and work. I’m not Work Hjalmer and Home Hjalmer. I’m Hjalmer.

So I’m simplifying to a single device: Transitioning this weekend, then cutting service for the second number this week.

For folks in my personal life, I’m keeping the number I’ve had since about 2002. For my work colleagues, stay tuned for updates through official channels.



Sweet, Merciful Pain-Reliever


Tonight, I am grateful for xFinity Wi-Fi, which helped me in a pinch. I am grateful for Seafoam, and for electric starters on snowblowers. And tonight, most importantly,as i rest my head against my new headboard, I’m so grateful for tiny little electric screwdrivers that hold an amazing charge and have lots of torque.

And acetaminophen.


That feeling when you checked the ingredients of everything you ate for gluten, but your body tells you that you’ve missed something


I’m a new fan of the Headspace playlist on Apple Music


First time listening to vinyl in these many long years. Bought the turntable a long time ago. Finally have the right space for it.


Food Coma in three… two… one…


Just got the majority of my Thanksgiving provisions purchased. Be kind, everyone. Be patient and gentle with each other. It’s crowded but we are all in this together.


“But sometimes what the suicidal person needs is for the therapist to join them in the darkness and show them a way out.”

The Best Way To Save People From Suicide

On Assumptions


In my professional life, problem-solving with technology, I almost always start with a set of assumptions and base my initial actions on those. If I’m lucky, I’m right. A rote solution works.

If I’m not lucky, I still win. I learn a new method, or a new perspective, or new patience. My knowledge in some respect will deepen. I have the relative luxury of rebuilding my model of the problem and restarting steps to resolution.

I have finally understood that this same approach in personal relationships is so wrong and so ineffective. It’s best to start with no assumptions. No reactions. And no talking until I get it.

And I suppose here, too, I’ve had the luxury of people tolerant of my quirks.

I thought I knew how to listen, but I see I can do better.

And then I need to ask, is there more I should know?

Choices, and Choosing


It’s so simple, and that’s why it’s so hard.

To–in turn–give to others the good feelings you experience when you’re with people who have had a profound effect in your life, you must choose to develop in yourself, and model in your own behavior, those traits you admire.

You must believe you can change.


I’ve been doing a lot of internal work lately, reflecting on things I’d like to change in the way I view my world and respond to it. It stings more than a little to understand the ways I have been holding myself back.


A little trash talk from a favorite vendor


Going to learn about how an iPhone and a Kindle Fire work with an external keyboard.


When you find an accidental selfie in your photo roll


Sending good thoughts forward and hoping for the best good. It’s a privilege to be in a position to help.


First exercise set is to get the equipment in place. Test pilot Sofia confirms all systems operational.

Summer Sunday Back-to-School Project


📷 📸 #flatpack #IKEA


Who doesn’t want the chance to drive a fire engine?


L’après-midi à l’hôtel

Test Post


Testing the Sunlit app for posting