
@Archimage Truth

@JohnPhilpin What we believe in!

@Archimage I feel this. As a fellow OWD.

@ben I could get into that. But the acquisition would need to negotiate a seat on the board, it can't just be an aqui-hire. They need to negotiate to provide new direction.

@help It looks like my blog is rendering correctly and I’m no longer seeing the errors reported in my web-based sessions. Thank you!

@patrickrhone There’s a contestant from season 13 who has an Instagram post in which she made a cake from pancakes. Deliciously evil.

@patrickrhone Sending good thoughts for the best possible outcome!

@patrickrhone Amazing! (Love the costume!) (Love the story!) Congratulations!

@help I'm getting errors:

Theme error: Error building site: "content/": failed to render shortcode "poststats/yearrecap": failed to process shortcode: "layouts/shortcodes/poststats/yearrecap.html:49:30": execute of template failed: template: shortcodes/poststats/yearrecap.html:49:30: executing "shortcodes/poststats/yearrecap.html" at : error calling div: can't apply the operator to the values

@Miraz The company that remodeled my house used BuilderTrend, too. Project manager may not have had an artist's sensibility or frankly a very good camera, but it was wonderful to see concrete evidence of progress on the regular.

@jthingelstad I found an amazing group of humans being vulnerable and sharing amazing experiences and knowledge. It was full of more video than I could watch that pushed my understanding of myself, my neurodivergence, emotional intelligence, even history, philosophy and more. I will miss it. It’s easy to assume it is all jack-ass style videos and nut shots. It could be that it you wanted it. But it was more.

@jason Long live RSS! And thank you again.

@jason Thank you for the repost!

@patrickrhone Gorgeoous tile! Well done!

@chrisheck So I did have the good sense to read the label at home, before I made any for myself. I just wish I had done that about 45 minutes sooner. No exposure, just so disappointed in myself. I know better.

@IanMulvany I have avoided this intentionally, but worried I should also have started the same

@velocykel Oh dear. Looks like another rabbit hole to travel! Have been seeing this a lot on a low percent of W11 PCs in the environment I support. Low percent of ~7000 nodes is a support concern. We've tried to solve via removing files from the desktop and ensuring OneDrive is up-to-date. Sometimes disabling OneDrive. Haven't found a fix for everyone