@viticci Thank you for sharing the Forever Notes system. I’m about ready to kill my Evernote subscription after about 15 years and transition fully to Apple Notes
@grubz It feels like construction follows me. I seem to pick places to live that kick of multiple-year projects. SO if you want new infrastructure, find me a place to live, nearby. 😉
@ner3y If I ever have the opportunity, I will be there: Kaltenberger Ritterturnier?
@mbkriegh 4 stars, would recommend!
@jemostrom I was definitely feeling it
@tyrel I feel this deeply, especially as a parent who started late. "What's that old white guy doing around our kids?" Frankly, I'm terrified and I rarely take pictures.
@pimoore As long as you don't also say "random musings"
@numericcitizen I listen to my library streamed via iTunes Match while commuting every day. Occasionally I stream music I don't own via Apple Music, but in lieu of a device with enough storage to hold my whole library, iTunes Match works for me.
@Gabz I used a Switch Lite like that one for quite a while. It was my kids’ until we upgraded them to the regular Switch. The hook was set and now I own an OLED model and aftermarket controllers. Nintendo has a very good experience and I love that I can carry many worlds around with me
@Griffey I found this. www.al-tn-trailoftears.net/the-ride/... Looks like an event to commemorate what happened and to benefit First Nations.
@billbennettnz I found his micro.blog account on his Subscribe page, though I was worried about what I would find there
@Archimage I've seen some things
@odd Message received
@JohnPhilpin I find that subtitles are really abridged, and close to the meaning but often not very precise and not equivalent to close captions. I speculate that dubs and subtitles serve different goals.
@the abcde looks amazing. Do you like the results?
@UndamnedOne I only just learned about Jellyfin, or I might have chosen it over Plex. The functionality looks great! Once I've finished ingesting the majority of the physical media I'm hopeful I can scale down from the current elderly XEON mid-tower to a Raspberry Pi or similar class of device. I'm on the fence about how hard to try to capture Vinyl or Casette, because there's stuff I love that I haven't found other ways. Probably no one I know cares as much as me, but I want to see how well it can be done.
@grubz I thought about that but the mechanism needs more work. The unit itself is mid-fi and even if I was able to find a shop that would look at it, the time and effort would cost multiples of the initial purchase price
@JohnPhilpin I feel like it's a modest luxury now that I have the disk space to go lossless. But yeah, one has to really want it.
@the So. I am re-ripping audio CDs twice. Once to WAV, via Exact Audio Copy on Windows. Serving via Plex. Doing my best to capture Enhanced CD content and DVD content, also serving via Plex. The Enhanced CD content is Lo-Fi and messy. Also ripping CDs into Apple Music a second time, replacing MP3 files at various bitrates with Apple Lossless. Ripping DVDs and Blu-Ray via same Windows workstation, using MakeMKV and serving MKV files via Plex. I haven't decided on whether or not I'm going to compress to MP4 for Apple Home Sharing. I'm really concerned Apple's Home Sharing is a product nearing end-of-life, hence the effort on the Plex side. Consumption is via Apple TVs and 5.1 capable receivers.
@the It's the many more part I'm hoping for! 😁
@crossingthethreshold Thanks a ton!
@odd Happy to blaze a trail! Thank you!
@JohnPhilpin I took the day off, slept in, and did my dork thing--re-ripping my CDs
@otaviocc Thank you!
@patrickrhone I wonder if they know how much they are loved. I’m sorry he’s gone