

Blast it. Home test tonight says COVID.


If you liken the MRI experience to Noise Core, and think about how some of the sounds would feel set to beats and sent through a wall of bass drivers, it’s easier to get through


I am continually disappointed by my inability to type the simplest phrase without miskeying a great deal (including this post). Autocorrect is a wholly separate issue, but I’m starting to feel cannot be blamed—based on my horrific input.


That feeling when you and your significant other agree on the great candy from childhood.


Last night of vacation. So bittersweet. Enjoying one more night on the porch knowing we need to get our things ready for the road trip home. Tomorrow night we will be in a hotel almost 700 miles away, but only half way home. Monday morning brings back the regular work week.


Rainbow at sunset


On Roanoke Sound


Sunrise #OBX


Air temp: 80F, water temp: 80F No chance of rain for the next several hours. No place to be for several hours.


The thing about when you’re going to a chain in the Outer Banks to pick up an order is you need to be sure which location you’re headed to. Are you sure? The staff can’t help you much when you show up to the wrong one. #obx


At the beach #OBX #KillDevilHills


Am I grateful for all of the people who reach out to me despite my many long silences? Yeah. I don’t even have words.


Is quiet time on the beach good for the soul? I feel strongly that yes, yes it is.


Scrapple with breakfast this morning. Cooking it well is a challenge, but I think I met it.


It has been a while since I have road-tripped to the east coast of the US—maybe ten or 12 years since I have done it by car. I am astonished by the lengths of road that are all now 3 and 4 lanes in each direction. The amount and the scale of the roadways around the DC area continue to awe. My little midwestern cities are simply adorable by comparison.


Prepping, packing and then loading the vehicle always takes longer than the time allotted. Nevertheless we have done the things and the journey has begun. Hoping to see ocean inside of the next 36 hours.


As an Intel MacBook Air owner, I simply did not expect to get Stage Manager with Ventura. I assumed this was for Apple-designed processors only. Wow. Okay!


Took two downloads to install? First time launched an installer wizard which did not complete successfully. Second download was more like a regular update. Download and verification with a notice to restart.


Did iOS and WatchOS 9 updates earlier today. MacOS Ventura says 12.03 GB? Downloading now and will be for a while, apparently


Just ordered two Lego kits from the mother ship. Because Harry Potter universe.


Listening to Crystal Method, again. I go long stretches without, and then something reminds me how much I love them.


Neurodivergent Monday:

  1. It’s Tuesday
  2. Forgot coffee
  3. Forgot reading glasses
  4. Forgot watch

Made it to my first two appointments on time. Have coffee at work. Carry a spare pair of glasses in my work bag. Watch is sure nice but I will live without it. Not bad, overall.


Am I the only one who resents LG for using In The Air Tonight in a commercial for a cordless vaccuum? Gen Xer here tired of seeing his youth further commercialized and used against him.


I continue to be amazed by the breadth and depth of the archeological coverage in The Explorator. Published weekly—I consume it via RSS. Many of their sources also offer RSS.


The watch says “Good morning!”

The phone says “Good morning!”

The dogs say “Good morning!”



I’m up.