

True Fact:

The place on earth with weather conditions most inhospitable to human life is whatever gas station you are at right now.


This is probably a controversial opinion, but I’m so sick and tired of every home improvement show mentioning Open Concept. If you want to live in a warehouse, buy a warehouse. Stop fucking up beautiful, structurally sound homes because you think you need to see everything.


I have been on both sides of this, at times:

10 Ways You’re Annoying the Hell Out of Your Neighbors Without Realizing It


Mr. Rogers was right. Look for the helpers. My God! They are everywhere if you want to see them.


Today, I learned the written word is my love language.


Reviewing the Bullet Journal methodology. Again. In the past I have been done capture reasonably well. Where I need great improvement is in review, analysis, and matching action with intent. This means better methods and strategies.


It is too easy for personal epiphanies to pass from awareness


Read Nicholas Bate’s Your 2022 Word.

My word for 2022 is Grow

It’s not a resolution, nor a command. But it encapsulates so much on my mind.


“And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap”

Also: Mischief managed!


Merry Christmas!

May you find gratitude May you find joy in each other

And let there be peace on Earth


That feeling when you got rid of keys that had been hanging about. Then, much later, you find what they may have been kept for. No harm, no foul. But I have a new challenge.


ME: Thinks of something clever to post

ADHD: There is a squirrel

ME: There was something clever I wanted to post

ADHD: (insert random time frame) Here it is! This would have been way funnier if you had posted it when you had thought of it.

Me: ::cries internally:: I know. I know.


Go from overtired to playfully over-caffeinated with three closely-spaced servings of stong coffee.



Tough times in Puppy Town


Inaugurating the movement of my Den to the main floor of my house with a viewing of the R40 concert film. Playback started before wiring was complete, but halfway through everything seems well dialed in.


Excellent game #Hufflepuff! Congratulations!

You represented us well, #Slytherin!



When the dogs sleep on me, it feels like love. But? Maybe I’m just a heated dog bed


Had a strange thing happen in October. Had a very intense dizzy spell that just did not abate. Part of the treatment involved an antibiotic for an ear infection. There was a period when I could hear nothing through my left ear. While the infection appears to have cleared, my hearing hasn’t recovered. I can hear more than nothing, but much less than before, and oddly, at times

I will see ENT/Hearing specialists next month. While there may be hope of more restoration, I find myself fearing the worst.

And more than that, I have been feeling I haven’t been nearly grateful enough for the joy that music brings. I haven’t been grateful enough for the awareness of what happens in my environment that hearing brings.

As a side sleeper, when I sleep on my right side, I can’t hear much at all.

This is all very worrying.


The human mind is under no obligation to conform to the DSM


“The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed,” said Bill.


Have I peaked?

Is that the right question?

Is that the wrong question?




My top three. I have had these locked in for a while. So these are my picks for tonight’s announcement:


As a #Slytherin, happy to see my House make it to the Grand Finals. Questions were really tough tonight! #TournamentofHouses


Aftermath: I think we have a foot of snow to move. Fresh-fallen slow is beautiful on a clear morning. We have the right tools to cope. But many people in different parts of the country woke up to destruction and loss from an incredible tornado. That is deeply sorrowful.