

The Police, Synchronicity II

The workaday world, some events in my life, and this song


With respect to an app store, well-played, Microsoft!

Your move, Apple.


The Cutter - Echo and the Bunnymen

A second song Shuffle Play dredged up that I haven’t heard in a very long time. I’m sure this is the first song of theirs I was familiar with until I rediscovered New Wave late in the 80s. Yeah, I’m never on time. Later in the 90s at the record store I started doing musical archeology to understand what had blown my mind in the decade before.

Frankly, I unashamedly revisit the past frequently via music. It’s my favorite form of time travel.



The Ambitions Are:

Shuffle Play unearthed a favorite. Nicole Blackman vocals with The Golden Palominos


A lovely night for a pint


This includes my Dad’s favorite chair in a favorite room.

I took this shot, visiting my mom, a few months after he passed away in 2015.

Naturally, the Photos widget chose Father’s Day 2021 to present it to me from all the images it could have picked.

To all the fathers, to all the people who have fathers, to all the people contemplating becoming fathers, this day is richly varied, emotionally. I’m sure my experiences and yours overlap at least a little. I feel you.

If anything, being a father has shown me so many ways to improve who I am and what I do in the world. It is supremely humbling.

On this day, I wish you peace, joy, and love.


Struggling super hard with organization. As an ADHD’er, this is career defining/limiting. I haven’t found the method or the tool that sticks past overwhelm.


Is it just me? On Windows 10, an Intel Core i5 can’t seem to keep up with Teams, much less other things you may wish to work on while in a meeting. Have run into this on laptops and desktops of different manufacture. I don’t have this issue on a Core i5 MacBook Pro.


Shout out to Tony, who I have missed these many years.

I explained learning about The Game to a colleague at work. So, naturally I’ve lost many, many times in rapid succession.

Miss you, brother


I do not have a subscription to read the Washington Post, where the source article appeared, but I appreciate the quotes pulled out at 9TO5Mac. This seems like an appropriate stance for technology companies to take, and I appreciate it.

Microsoft president attacks type of government gag order imposed on Apple

Especially the sentiment behind this statement:

So that’s what they do. In secret. By serving search warrants on companies such as Apple, Google and Microsoft to obtain emails and messages that belong to our customers.


A dose of real. I’ve lived in Minnesota the majority of my life and I’m sure I’ve done this:

“the Minnesotan/Scandinavian behavior of being cold to people because you “have enough friends” already / you’re not interested in being friends, is ugly 😌”

From @OhDionne


I have been on a Harry Potter binge recently, having watched all of the movies again, and now re-reading the series. I discovered an article called Alchemy and Harry Potter which was helpful to understand many elements in each of the stories and the series.


A key to growth is to stop assuming I have learned every lesson in a given area. I rediscovered a resource I had mined in a previous decade of my life, then stopped. Today I was presented with a fresh perspective which gave me opportunites I didn’t know I had.


Setting up an iPad Pro and Magic Keyboard for a client today. I don’t covet the iPad as my new Air is perfectly lovely. But the keyboard is easily the best iPad-specific keyboard integration I have yet seen. Just effortless. Wow, did Apple do a great job with that!


Homophones are an issue when attempting to dictate through voice recognition— Mail versus male in one recent attempt to return a text message. That it works as well as it does is wonderful, but sometimes even modifying pronunciation or changing word order doesn’t get the job done.


Could it be true?

Custom domain names are coming to iCloud mail with iCloud+

Have been waiting for this for so long!


Long story, but I’m getting good at replacing door knobs. Bad news is I’m the reason I’m getting the practice. I’m a fan of Kwikset’s design, both from a security stand point and for ease of installation.



I think what it means is to be seen.

Seen as whole. Seen as accepted. Seen in entirety.

It’s not supposed to be easy or simple, until it is.


“More trips than Timothy Leary” said Pat Sajak, just now. Not the sort of counter-culture reference I would have expected on Wheel of Fortune. #findtheothers


Dear Coffee,

I am grateful for you every day.

Yours truly,




My first name comes from Hjalmer Lindberg.

Had he lived, he would have been a great uncle.

In World War II, he fought in the Battle of the Bulge with the 94th infantry. He was a sniper who was killed by another.

The story I was told was that first, Hjalmer’s helmet was shot off. This revealed the position of the German sniper. Hjalmer quickly pivoted to return fire, but the German was faster. Hjalmer was shot in the head.

Many details are not known to me. A thousand questions have occurred to me after it’s too late to ask.

Hjalmer was very good friends in the infantry with Erich Gerloff. They had such a strong bond that they made a pact. Should one survive the other, the survivor would travel to meet the other’s family.

Erich’s own life had been dramatic at points. He had been born in Germany, and had crossed the Atlantic three times with his family to escape economic hardship.

He was captured at the Battle of the Bulge and was kept briefly at a stalag. He was on a death march when, because he spoke German well enough, German soldiers told him to get out of the line. They thought he was a spy or agent and were afraid of punishment should he be put to death at their hands.

Erich survived the war, rising in rank through battlefield promotions, assuming I’ve understood the details at all.

He also honored his pact with his friend. He travelled from New York to Wisconsin to visit the Lindbergh family in Wisconsin and proposed to one of Hjalmer’s sisters within a few days.

They married and had a family. Their eldest, a son, they named for Hjalmer, who they had both lost.

That man, the son, was on a tour of duty in Vietnam, when his sister, my mother, was pregnant with me. And she wanted her brother to know she loved him.

Hjalmer is my first name. Erich is my middle name.


Remembering Hjalmer Lindberg and Erich Gerloff, today.


35 Box Office Flops That Are Actually Worth Watching

Kinda nice to get a second opinion on some titles I was already considering.

I have a long queue on DVD Netflix…


Heard Take Me Home on satellite radio earlier today. Because I owned No Jacket Required, naturally, Sussudio is now an ear worm.

Phil Collins, y’all!

You’re welcome.


Bless you, Coffee Machine