I’m interested in the kind of leadership that brings out everyone’s best. I’m interested in people working to make everyone’s life better. I’m interested in everyone feeling like they are enough.
Demands for unity or loyalty create competition and showmanship.
Stop me if this sounds wierd, but I have been modifying my driving habits. I have stopped trying to be the fastest, and I have stopped speeding in the vain attempt to make up time. I did not drive faster than 65 MPH during my commute this morning, and I was never in the left lane. And I lived.
Linux is still as unforgiving as it ever was. Still, I persist. Maybe one day I’ll buy hardware designed for it. Old Windows laptops are serviceable but sometimes the hardware contains bits that only work well in Windows.
I kinda miss the days you could buy extended capacity batteries for your devices with battery covers and user-servicable batteries. I miss the days you could add more RAM. I miss the days you could change out the permanent storage with better performing or higher capacity replacements.
If you’ve been on the fence, 23andMe is offering their DNA service at $59, down from $119. I’m from a blended family, and this helped to answer some questions I might not have been able to answer, otherwise.
I’m using an older Apple MacBook Pro with a Touch Bar. My biggest complaint, after losing physical function keys, and even after using this device since it was new in 2019, I rest my hands on top of the keyboard and inevitably activate the ESC. This still surprises me, every single time.
I’d like to thank @manton for making it possible to syndicate to all the places, enabling me to implement a POSSE strategy with Micro.Blog at the core.
I feel like the Forever ✱ Notes methodology is to your preferred notes app what the Bullet Journal methodology is to the paper notebook you already own.
I am hoping to leverage both in my life, recognizing that I need to make more specific space in my life for a journaling practice.
I’m very slowly working through the Forever ✱ Notes set up. I love that it’s not an app, and I also love that it keeps inspiring me to solve other problems I’ve been thinking about, specifically with respect to something like a CRM tool, but not requiring a subscription to a SAAS provider.
This is completely random and just a me thing. I am annoyed when news sources announce discoveries of ruins that are plainly visible above ground. The people who live there might be able to explain the history of the site, or, even if the lore is gone, simply know it exists and can show you.
I signed into BattleNet last night. I learned the remastered version of Starcraft was just $15 US, and runs natively on MacOS. So I’m working through the game in the prescribed progression first as Protoss. I’m very rusty but it plays more or less just like I remember.
The transportation construction in my part of the world is epic, this year. I have the change of seasons to look forward to, but some projects continue into December even as the ground starts to freeze and snow starts to fly. I’m weary of the delays and changes to my routes. Just complaining here.