So, yeah. I’m on the east side of St. Paul and I’m lucky not much has come close to me. But I started to cry when I saw this advice on screen.

- Be off the streets at 8:00 p.m.
- Be aware of suspicious activities/groups
- Be aware of large gatherings
- Call 911 if you are witnessing suspicious activity
- Remove anything from your lawn that could be flammable or a projectile through a window
- Store dumpsters in your garage or move to hidden area in back yard. Consider wetting down the inside contents if they have to be left outside in view.
- Keep LIGHTS ON and some windows open to hear noises that may be approaching. (use caution with windows that may be easily asked from the ground)
- Have an escape plan and a to-go bag (remember to take along any medicines you may need)
- If you need to be outside wear headlamp, bright colors and reflective clothing
- Charge cell phones. Cell towers might go out
- Have alternative ways to communicate with your neighbors and help them to make a plan in case things do get bad.
- Have garden hoses ready and untangled for possible use.
- Check your flood lights; door lights; KEEP THEM ON.
- Soak down wood fences and surfaces
- If you have a Little Free Library-empty it.
- If you have a fire extinguisher-get it ready
- Check on each other-especially older neighbors, and the vulnerable.
- For those who choose to stand outside, watching homes or businesses, do not confront anyone. Call 911, call another neighbor to be with you.