I remember loving Pointcast and installing it on home and work computers. At the time I also loved HotBot and Internet Explorer and WIRED Magazine and A Declaration of the Independance of Cyberspace.
And Techno.
Listened to Dead Leaf Echo tonight for the first time, via Apple Music. Their recent full-length album Beyond.Desire is there as well as several EPs and a much earlier LP. Possibly their full catalog …
I remember loving Pointcast and installing it on home and work computers. At the time I also loved HotBot and Internet Explorer and WIRED Magazine and A Declaration of the Independance of Cyberspace.
And Techno.
Sending an old device to the Great Cloud in the Sky
I’m a long-time fan of Randall Carlson which I owe to the Joe Rogan podcast. Anyway, outside of liking and subscribing to YouTube channels and videos, here is another way I can start to support his work.
So, yay! The iridescent Gnosis sticker is cooler than I hoped it would be!
Via aclu_nationwide
Back to School 2020
Hello world!
Above is a photo of my daughter Sofia
Dude! I was The Dude! #strikesandgutters #guttersandstrikes
First time in a sunflower field
Made it all the way through. It seems like this iteration is less “white” or “bright” than the first public beta. UI still feels fresh but more familiar.