

I have an Intel MacBook Air with TouchID. I have never had a Mac that was so resistant to updates. SMC and PRAM resets at a minimum. Disks that won’t unlock, this time. Recovering now with new volumes and a clean installl.


Ugh. When the progress bar goes back up in time.


Lots of little things make me irritated. It passes. Until the next thing that does. On the inside it doesn’t feel like I’m always angry. But people observing me sometimes tell me I’m always angry. That’s not at all what I want. Not sure how to be better. I want to be better.


Well, that was fast. Hardly got a profile set up on Pebble and they’ve announced a November 1 shut down


Today learned a small amount about British trains. I had purchased a small set, movie specific, but it does not include as many coaches as depicted on screen. Canon doesn’t offer detail, so tradition will have to do.


I note, tonight, on my street in Saint Paul, that all of the street lamps are shining white light. After all of the experiments for decades with many types of lamps with many gasses inside, white is back.


Yes, it was me in the kilt


My first visit to the Renaissance Festival in many years lead to my first kilt.


I went to print a Word document from preview mode in “New Outlook.” New Outlook “generated” a PDF which opened in an Edge browser tab. I have questions: Why would Microsoft use another vendor’s document presentation technology? Was I ever looking at a “DOC”?


Remember listening to whole albums?

Sometimes one from the past demands my attention. Lately it’s Tinderbox


I don’t remember hurting myself, but it’s clear to me now—at some point, the coffee was too hot.


I was reminded today of why I stopped using drive-through fast-food procurement. So much easier to deal with issues at the counter, instead of trying to do an inventory in-car. What a mess.


“…the street finds its own uses for things” —William Gibson, from Burning Chrome

I have always loved the Cyberdecks, which have always seemed to me to inspired by Gibson’s writing. I also love any small, capable tech tool.

See also: 2023 Cyberdeck Challenge


I would like to thank Coffee Cart MPLS for the delicious Lavender Latté, this morning.


I hate when I can’t find the right GIF to throw into the group chat during the Teams call.


Discovered She’s in Parties, today. The band took its name from the song you’re thinking of. Via Space Echo


Just spent five minutes looking for my phone. Which was in “the wrong” pocket.


My wife played Cruella. It was more compelling than I hoped. But the hook, for me, was the soundtrack. I didn’t know it was a period piece.

There’s a playlist on Apple Music.


Three kinds of feels recently:

  1. Getting an education on a tool you previously felt pretty good at.
  2. Find a tool exactly where it should be, after you already looked there.
  3. That awesome song comes on while driving and everyone in front of you is driving slower than you.

I do wish iPad OS had a dictionary and thesaurus app like Mac OS has. I am probably going to grudgingly give money to Oxford. Sometimes I want to look up something that isn’t in an app I’m running on the device I’m using. That service doesn’t account for every use case for a curious person.


This week I learned how catastrophic it can be for dogs that overheat, and how quickly it can lead to organ failure and death. Be careful out there. And keep an eye on your puppies!


I know it’s not as exciting, but we could call them posts. It’s a term that already exists in common usage—and I don’t see a need to have a unique term per vendor.


From experience, I’ll say that your iPhone doesn’t work in your dream, even after you restart it.


On my work MacBook this morning I got a system message that SharePoint is being added as a login item. I don’t see a matching app in my Applications folder, so I am intrigued by this.

UPDATE: I learned this is a component of OneDrive, which is surprisingly honest—as OneDrive sits atop SharePoint technology. I can only hope it truly auto-launches and auto-syncs my folders, as in the past I have needed to specifically launch OneDrive to have access to items in the cloud.


If my mac has an indicator on the setting icon that there is an update, and I click on the item in System Settings that shows there is an operating system update, why does the settings app then need to check for updates?