Putting some thoughts here, while they are on my mind:
Political parties and news organizations love to pretend that an election is an ideological mandate. When the candidate you vote for wins, it’s fun to feel that way.
I think an election is simpler, it’s a snapshot in time, and it’s very much about who is on the ballot. Sometimes a vote is yes to a candidate, to a party or to a platform, but sometimes a vote is against a specific person. I suspect that the 2016 and 2020 elections reflect this in America more than Americans traditionally would admit.
I think the political parties are their own machines, representing their own self-preservation and the agendas of large donors. As such, neither party in the U.S.A. would ever change anything fundamentally.
I don’t think that political parties represent a mandate any more than an election does.
I think political parties aren’t representative of us, of We The People, because the parties generally and the candidates specifically are beholden to money.
I think Ranked Choice Voting is worth a try and might better represent overall preferences, or show where more of us actually agree. We really need to pay attention to what we have in common and fight hard for that.
I think it’s really hard to step outside of a bubble I have willingly been inside of for decades.
I used to wonder why George Carlin seemed so angry toward the end of his career. I’m starting to understand.
Hot coffee and cookies on a cool morning
I’m old because I remember MTV playing music video always, and I’m up early enough to watch AMTV
Unspoken Role of Technical Support: Absorb and correct for damage created by other companies
Example: large ticket volume this week created by issues stemming from a large operating system vendor’s critical updates. Some laptops are becoming unbootable and some folks are getting bluescreens simply from printing. This is all fixable, but fixes take time. None of this is a result of any decision made by anyone employed by my company.
TIL Curved screens are fragile.
My Semi-Annual Plea: Please stop the madness with the clock shifting. Pick one and run with it.
The coffee isn’t working today.
Dishwasher replaced today. So grateful, I’m running my third load.
This probably opens me up to jokes. So be it.
The rate at which I am losing elders in my family is alarming. I’ve made it into my fifties before feeling that way, for which I count myself fortunate. But I’m getting closer to the front of the line and it is sobering.
Blast from the past: it was fun to hear music from The 5th Dimension on CBS Sunday Morning. I was born after they were already popular, but I heard a lot of their songs before I know it was them.
Joined Twitter on this day in 2008. In those days we talked about ambient connectivity and hashtags were just becoming a thing.
Bluejays and cardinals at the feeder. They are lovely in the morning sun
From an email subscription today:
So be good to each other. Be humble and kind. Be generous. If you fight for anything, fight for justice and fairness. That’s what we were put here for.
This is what I believe.
Listening to a lot of Echodrone, today. Bought two albums and am excited for a new release next month.
Music saves.
As I transitioned the SIM in my phone from Sprint to T-Mobile, today, I learned I’ve been a Sprint customer for 21 years. I doubt that counts for much to the business, but I wish it carried some weight.
I have a non-neurotypical daughter in a school system that has doubled-down on the use of law enforcement, restraint, and seclusion to control the student population. I’m not okay with this policy and we are opting out of the traditional school system after this school year.
When the wind makes it feel colder than it is… 15 degrees Fahrenheit
My biggest professional challenge is to adjust my thinking from a tactically-thinking individual to a more strategically-thinking manager. This is something I want to do well. Is there a support group for that? Is it called Everyone? Do they meet at the drinking-establishment?
Someone at work today made a clever reference to Whole Lotta Love, comparing project status to the middle section of the song.
So naturally, I have listened to Led Zeppelin II in it’s entirety. Working through Mothership as I write this.
It doesn’t make sense for the left hand to punch the right hand, nor for the right leg to kick the left. We are part of the same body. We work better together.
Listening to Wolfmother today.
They are a retro-looking blend of 70’s hard-rock, prog-rock and a little punk-rock. But with the vocal strength and musicianship to back it up. Not to mention cowbell and distorted organ.
I wish I could say I have been listening to them for a long time, but they came to me via a compilation from a friend. Today, I have been mining Apple Music for their back catalog.
“And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap…”
Half-day at work, then cleared the drive of snow. Grateful for snow throwers. Husqvarna has been good to me.