@odd Happy to blaze a trail! Thank you!
@JohnPhilpin I took the day off, slept in, and did my dork thing--re-ripping my CDs
@otaviocc Thank you!
@patrickrhone I wonder if they know how much they are loved. I’m sorry he’s gone
@Archimage How I have morned the loss of magic in the land
@Archimage Words to live by
@annaleen I imagine it would be deeply introspective and analytical about every detail in the contract, using words and phrases both as it imagines the contract was intended. Yet also exploring etymology and usage in order to justify any action needed based solely on endless iterative analysis of the same contract.
@aa You're very kind
@odd I have Swedish and Norwegian blood in my veins. I own it. 😉
@patrickrhone I've remained independent in Minnesota, have not declared allegiance to a party. The cost is that I'm not welcome to participate in the primaries.