
@ericmwalk @clorgie I have used them both when I need work done on cars and for trips to and from the airport. I haven’t needed Lyft in Minneapolis, to-date, but I can think if circumstances where it would be nice. In the last few years I transitioned to Lyft but many drivers display both logos in their vehicles.

@clorgie Lyft is going to stop service to and from Minneapolis on May 1st. Uber is leaving the 7-county metropolitan area.

@manton I’m in favor of your way of thinking. I don’t sort my music playlists by song popularity. I put thought into it and I like that this method respects that. Further, I don’t want to see everyone’s blogroll have the same top ten.

@manton One of my favorite books. I named my daughter’s Kindle “A Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer”

@Annie Glad to know it’s not only because I’m old. :) Feels good to know there are others!